Does love truly conquer all?
Pretty in Wang!
As wedding guests sober up this morning, wipe the cob-webs of sleep (and booze) from their eyes - and the receipts come rolling in - it is elementary (Dr. Watson) that the joining of two houses is a good thing for the economy.
Rumors abound that the high-profile celebration - though shrouded in secrecy for weeks - ended up costing the Clinton's quite a pretty penny.
No matter how you cut it, the "Wedding of the Year", was probably the costliest one to date (except for the Liza Minnelli/Dave Guest fiasco that Liza - with a "z' - unwittingly footed the bill for) around the country in recent days.
For starters?
Chalk up a dazzling Vera Wang designer wedding gown with matching frilly frocks for a gaggle of giggling bridesmaids, a dozen-or-so top-of-the-line Tuxedos (and Black-tie accessories) for all the males in the wedding party, a live band and rehearsal hall (to work out the kinks), and a security detail to keep watch over the whole kit 'n kaboodle throughout the course of a glitzy starry-eyed night sure to attract aggressive interlopers.
Then, 'ya have to figure in those pretty white tents - that local news station copters buzzed hourly from above - which rang up a princely sum as they sufficiently sufficed to house (at last count) 400 upscale guests who supped on pricey entrees washed down with exotic cocktails and fine wines of the rare and imported kind.
And yes - there was mouth-watering wedding cake - and they ate it all up, too.
But, whose penny was it?
Today, as the curious focus on the groom - and the news leaks out that the groom's father is a convicted felon accused of bilking investors out of millions - one has to wonder.
Do birds of a feather flock together?
Does scandal beget (or chase after) scandal?
In spite of the passage of time, the machinations of Hillary (the Whitewater scandal) and Bill (the Lewinsky Affair) continue to hang like a poll over the Clintons.
So, what of the offspring?
In the grand scheme of things, do the black swans swim joyously together or quietly hide their shame until the storm eventually blows over?
News at 11!
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