Gingrich carries big stick!
(casts small shadow)
Newt Gingrich was on the rag today over the landmark ruling handed down yesterday by U.S. Federal District Court Judge Vaughn Walker who effectively overturned the ban on same-sex marriage in the State of California with a flourish of a pen.
In a bald-faced tirade, spewed across his infamous website of hate, Gingrich labelled the Judge's actions downright "outrageous", for starters.
Then, he proceeded to rant that the jurist presiding over the legal proceedings in San Francisco displayed a total disrespect for the U.S. Constitution and for the majority of Americans whom - he asserted - have held firm in their belief that the institution of marriage is a holy union exclusive to heterosexuals.
Newt should take a vicodin and call it a day!
After all, he needs to get his facts straight.
For example, the outspoken politician falsely alleged that in every State - from California to Maine to Georgia (where people have had a chance to vote) - Americans have affirmed that marriage is strictly a privilege afforded one man and one woman.
Newt, same-sex marriages are currently legal in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington.
A majority of folks here-and-there appear to disagree, so wake up and smell the coffee.
Of course, anyone with an ounce of intelligence is keen to the fact that Newt Gingrich doesn't have much of a clue about the pulse of the American people anyway - beyond his own polluted little pond - much less in Washington or elsewhere.
But - the notion that Congress should rush in - was a real hoot.
"Congress now has the responsibility to act immediately to reaffirm marriage as a union of one man and one woman as our National policy," he keyed into a post angrily.
On the contrary, the issues pertaining to same-sex marriage must go on through the legal process, and a determination has to be made, according to the law of the land.
Judge Walker was just interpreting applicable Statutes to the best of his ability.
What do they say?
Don't shoot me! I'm just the messenger!
Justices in the higher court(s) will - undoubtedly - endeavour to do the same (now that an appeal has been filed with the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals) until the issue sputters to a logical conclusion.
When it comes to President Obama and Congress drumming up a "National Policy"?
Don't hold your breath, Newt!
Obama and his flat-footed cronies have yet to craft a meaningful Immigration Reform Bill - in spite of a loud outcry and violent protests - that has been tearing apart the country in recent weeks.
But, Newt's misguided lunacy doesn't stop there.
In a parting shot, he piped up:
"Today’s notorious decision also underscores the importance of the Senate vote tomorrow on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court because judges who oppose the American people are a growing threat to our society.”
Does't he read the newspapers?
Essentially, Kagan was being touted as a shoe-in for confirmation.
Notwithstanding, is he really that much of an a**hole that he actually believes that anyone who disagrees with his point of view (Elena Kagan & Judge Walker) must be anti-American?
The man needs therapy!
Kagan un-American?
(or just out-of-fashion)
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