In the popular detective show - Columbo - Peter Falk's character was inclined to engage in small talk about his wife at a pivotal point in the plot line during the run of the show.
More often that not, the Missus offered up a piece of information - or uttered up an astute observation - that egged him on to better understand the intriques of the criminal mind - and to eventually solve the crime.
But, I don't recall ever catcing a glimpse of her!
I actully acted on the weekly TV series in the capacity of a bit part - in which I played a Military man - taking a tour of a facility that conducted experiments on the paranormal and a myriad of psychic phenomenon.
At one point, I turned to my left in the scene, and was startled to encounter Peter Falk staring intently into my eyes.
To capture an up-close glimpse of his face - a sort-of battered-in well-lived one - was quite a remarkable experence that will remain deeply etched in the memory banks of my mind.
Tonight, when Jay Leno mentioned his wife, I immediately flashed back to that precious moment.
Then, it suddenly occured to me, that Jay Leno often referred to his wife on the Tonight Show.
But, have we ever seen hide-or-tail of her?
Not moi!
Last night, Leno noted that he and his wife were recently preparing to attend a screening, when she pestered him about whether there was a lot of blood, and guts, and gore in the movie.
"My wife hates that," he confided in so many words.
It struck me - that like Columbo - Jay has often affectionately mentioned his better half.
Does she really exist, or is she just an imaginary foil, fathomed up to fascilitate a punch line?
Inquiring minds want to know!
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