There they go again!
In response to a petition to "stay" gay marriages (in California) pending a review by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals - Justices in the higher court with appropriate jurisdiction have put an indefinite "hold" on the ruling of Judge Vaughn Walker who "lifted the ban" last week.
Confused yet?
In a nutshell, no gay man or woman will be able to trot down the aisle with City Hall's blessing, until all the appeals have been exhausted, or one of the parties has tossed the towel into the ring disgusted.
The decision - issued by a three-judge panel at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (on occasion nine- member panels may be petitioned to preside over appellate court proceedings) - effectively sets aside Walker's prior ruling which would have allowed same-sex marriages to continue at the stroke of midnight on August 18th (2010).
In a precise two-page order granting the stay, the Justices noted their intention to expedite the proceedings, which will focus on Proposition 8 and Judge Walker's findings.
In what amounts to a break in normal scheduling, the Justices have announced through a court-house spokesperson, that the controversial case will be heard the week of Dec. 6th (2010).
To avoid any possible hint of impropriety - or scandal - a second panel (consisting of three Justices) will be installed to preside over the legal proceedings.
"We are very gratified that the 9th Circuit has recognized the importance and the pressing nature of this case by issuing this extremely expedited briefing schedule," beamed Ted Boutrous, who is a member of the plaintiffs' legal team.
To catch up on all the proceedings to date, follow the links below.
Post: 08/13/10
Post: 08/05/10
Currently, same-sex couples can legally tie-the-knot in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, D.C.
Stay posted!
9th Circuit Justice got caught with Porno on laptop!
(Alex Kozinski)
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