Shortly after you hop onto the Internet, undoubtedly a barrage of unwanted pop-up ads will splash onto your laptop screen to contend with - touting exciting products for impotency (Viagra), feminine hygiene (tampax), colon cleansers - you name it.
Browsers have the option of blocking 'em out, but that course of action may prevent legitimate dialogue boxes from gracing the screen at a myriad of popular web sites frequented throughout the course of the day.
Fortunately, some clever software developer has rustled up a clever "on line delivery" program capable of sorting through the ads to tailor a selection of the free-floating devils to meet your unique tastes and interests.
Once installed, only blurbs for the desired products will slip through the filter, and splash across the screen.
For web site owners - who acknowledge that ad revenue is of paramount importance to remain in business - the trend gives 'em the jitters.
But, not to worry, since there is good news along with the bad
Unlike a few years ago (remember the dot com bust?) the advertising sector of the business community is now burgeoning.
In fact, analysts in the field expect revenue to rise at least 12 percent in the next year or two.
"The net is fast-becoming a billion-dollar business that is a force to reckon with," one researcher asserted.
Personally, I used to prefer the Tattler web site to be pure and "ad-free".
But, revenue is important to keep the endeavour prospering, so I have relented somewhat.
Even still, I tend to choose advertisements that fit well with the design of the site, full of rich media that enchances.
Just - classy eye-catching visuals for the Tattler - please!
Plain text static adverts don’t cut it for me.
Even still, ads fathomed up in a myriad of creative ways, are proliferating on the Internet and netting big bucks.
Now, if only mainstream America, would take a cue!
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