Over the past forty-eight hours, the rumors flew hot 'n heavy, that Linday Lohan was going to be released from rehab early.
Imagine that!
In spite of the fact the Paparazzi were tipped off well in-advance of the surprise exit from the tawdry confines of the dreary rehab facility, the sly gal maneuvered an escape out a back door to a limousine purring at the curb without the snarling media hounds being the wiser.
In sum, the 24-year-old actress left UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Hospital after serving just over three weeks of her court-ordered 90 days of in-patient treatment ordered by a testy Judge.
Lindsay, if you recall, lucked out at the local slammer, too.
The troubled high-profile star only served 13 days of an original 30-day sentence - imposed by the court for an alleged probation Violation - which caused a handful of critics to cry foul.
"Celebrity Justice," was the angry lament in the wake of the court fiasco.
Clearly, some strings were pulled behind-the-scenes yesterday, in a concerted effort to shorten Lohan's rehab treatments on a medical technicality.
While in rehab, doctors determined that the pretty starlet didn't suffer from ADHD, or a bipolar disorder.
Understandably, Lindsay's attorney argued to the Judge now presiding over the case, that Adderall (a prescription drug used to treat the disorder) may been to blame for her erratic behavior in recent months.
Consequently, Ms. Lohan was sprung from a program that didn't suit her needs, and is now a part of UCLA's outpatient program.
According to friends, the bodacious babe is "out and doing really well."
Good luck, Lindsay!
Lindsay Lohan drunk & sloppy
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