Silver fox brooding alot these days!
I shook my head in disblief when I caught the Anderson Cooper report on "terrorist babies" on CNN the other night..
Coop must be either desperate for controversial issues to chase down to keep the ratings revving up - or, just maybe - he's heading toward a melt down.
His tenacious full-frontal attack on the subject was baffling!
Frankly, the wild notion should have been "dropped" like a hot potato, because it can't help but taint the name and reputation of anyone who chooses to pursue the looney-tunes scenario that's been drummed by unknown individuals to add to the hysteria about illegal immigrants and their alleged intentions.
If 'ya missed the bizarre in-depth probe (!) by Anderson, here's what went down in a nutshell.
When it came to Cooper's attention that Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) was alleging to all within earshot that there was a plot involving pregnant women to have their unborn children delivered in U.S. hospitals to lay the ground-work for future terrorist attacks - instead of letting common sense prevail - Cooper dove in full-throttle.
For example, when it was obvious early on that Debbie Riddle was not a credible witness, he should have moved on.
In the segment, Riddle was not only evasive in respect to many of her responses, but prone to hide behind so-called un-named former FBI contacts, in order to bolster her bizarre allegations when pushed against the wall by pit-bull reporter Anderson Cooper.
It should have been obvious to Coop that Riddle was full of sh**, too, when she withrew her cooperation on-camera on the grounds that she was not informed in preliminary preparations for the report that Anderson Cooper was going to "grill" her so vigorously on air (in spite of the "fact" her office was still in the process of investigating the details).
From my perch here, Riddle's conduct was pretty suspect.
Only a fool would have pursued the matter further, but Anderson Coooper chose to plow on, and just about went down with the ship in the process in my estimation.
Cooper, the whole idea of a woman having a child in a U.S. hospital - with the specific intent of spirting the young one to foreign soil to be raised as a terrorist (then, installed in a cell twenty years later to attack the Nation from inside) is patently ridiculous on its face.
In the final analysis, Anderson obviously needs therapy for shell shock, because he's totally lost it!
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