Folks have been all a-twitter about Wayne Newton's Jet fiasco!
In retrospect - when the sad report on the clunker that returned to Vegas as baggage was nvestigated from behind-the-scenes, the end scenario made a lot of sense.
When Mr. Newton previously abandoned the plane in Detroit a few years ago, he was obviously low on cash
After all, he wasn't working in a steady gig!
Subsequently, he got behind on payments - which included back wages - owed a pilot.
However, as I reported a few months ago, Newton managed to seal a deal with a major Hotel on the strip to perform Live! once again to the delight of his fans.
Now that the cash is flowing, Mr. Las Vegas is simply catching up on overdue financial obligations, which makes sense.
Shipping the plane back to Nevada in pieces - and parking the crates at his luxury ranch at the Casa de Shenandoah estate in Las Vegas - hardly appears to be unusual under the cicumstances.
In fact, once the disassembled jet made the the long haul from Michigan to Nevada without mishap, it was put back together again piece by piece.
The difference between the men and the boys is not only the price of their toys - but how they manage to hold on to them when misfortune befalls 'em - without doubt.
Newton extravagant lifestyle!
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