Aerosmith roared into town and took the stage by storm last night in Las Vegas!
Wild man - Steve Tyler - did not disappoint, either!
An outrageously high-energy tour de force - which literally exploded onto the rock 'n roll scene in the 70's all scintillating vibrant riffs and blatant raw sex - Aerosmith was soon leading the pack of musical giants and there's been no looking back since.
For the fans who caught Tyler on a recent Chris Botti PBS special - it was no doubt evident - that the musical wonder has transformed and matured into a force of sheer performance brilliance tough to reckon with.
PBS Review
Post: 03/1910
In fact, if the rumors be true, the visionary Tyler may be spreading his wings and taking on new challenges - albeit - in tamer arenas on a much smaller sophisticated pop culture scale.
The scuttlebutt?
As the panel of Judges crumble one-by-one at highly-rated American Idol on Fox, and producers scramble to find the right eclectic mix for the season ahead, word is that the hard-hittting rocker - with all the fluid moves and sexy erotic embodiments of the rock 'n roll genre - may be taking up residence to pass judgment on a top note or two.
Is the Bad Boy from Boston too down 'n dirty and too over-the-top for the Network's dinner-hour audience?
Maybe yes. Maybe no.
When it comes to mentoring, one truth remains.
Steven Tyler's chops, Joe Perry's riffs, and Aerosmith's rhythm section are second to none!
Tuesday August 3rd
See 'ya there!
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