There is nothing worse that arrogrant Doctor with a big ego.
And, when the practioner - like Dr. Emeka Iroha, for instance - is under the mistaken impression that they have a big swining di** between their legs (and a set of balls to match) patients can count on sloppy care and a lack of sound judgment to complicate and worsen their health to perilous levels.
When Managers at Sunrise Hospital elected to hire on Dr. Emeka Iroha, they must have been desperate, and scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Otherwise, why hire on an ego-driven MD, inclined to take out slights (justifiable on the part of the sick) on patients?
Iroha is not only incompetent, but insecure - and thus - in dire need of psychological counselling.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, I'd like to note for the record - that in view of what I've witnessed - Iroha has no right taking charges under the unprofessional care provided.
For example, does a quick walk through a patient's room - without any pulse-taking, blood pressure assessment, or temperature check - constitute daily medical attention worthy of billing?
Heck no!
Even still, I expect that astronomical sums will be billed insurance carriers - and patients - as the good doctor laughs all the way to the bank.
Dr. Emeka Iroha represents all that is vitally wrong with the medical profession.
In my estimation, there's noting worse than some poorly-trained doctor (hailing from overseas) strutting the halls of American Hospitals under the silly notion - that because they managed to land a job here in the United States - they're a God, a self-annointed High Prieist of medicine.
Now, that's something that makes me sick!
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