If you read the article in today's daily paper (LA TIMES) you probably weren't surprised to learn that the U.S. Post Office is crying-the-blues over the fact that revenue is down in the billions!
And, the reporter went on to succinctly note, that the sad demise of Uncle Sam's mail carrier may not be far off.
Part of the reason the post office is suffering a downturn - surprise! - is due to the Internet (allegedly).
Computer savvy individuals around the globe are facilitating e-mail services (and services like skype) to reach out and "touch" someone.
In addition, I have personally noticed (I expect others will confirm the trend) that a large segment of the business community has turned elsewhere for more reliable mail and package delivery than the one currently being served up at U.S. Post.
Part of the problem is due to the fact that the corporate giant has chosen to employ a whole slew of mail carriers - who are not only lazy - but rude to customers as well.
A large percentage of the workers are reluctant to get off their fat a**es when a busy patron strolls into the local postal outlet for at-the-counter service - for instance - which is downright annoying to residents who have to frequent the substations (and face the humiliations) almost daily.
But, it is mostly the incompetence - and devil-may-care attitude of these low-life good-for-nothings - that triggers the ire of many.
In the past, I was forced to file a complaint with the Postmaster General in Washington, when I determined that employees at the West Hollywood Postal Station were "tampering" with mail.
In fact, my brother just mailed me a copy of a letter he posted to weeks ago, which was returned to Canada (although it was addressed perfectly).
The envelope was marked "no such person known at this address".
The notice was false, misleading, and erroneous!
What annoys me the most is the fact that I pay through-the-nose for a box office rental to ensure that my mail will be secure!
Obviously, it is not, at the West Hollywood Postal Station.
So, at the end of December when the box fee is due, I am cancelling the service and hiring an independent service that will appreciate my business!
One has only to stroll into the West Hollywood Post Office - and take a gander at the clerks slouched at the counter there - to fathom the problem.
A couple of the middle-aged losers are slower than molasses in January and possess all the charm and intelligence of a worm.
It's time someone put these old cows out to pasture.
Or, would the Post Office just prefer to go by the way of the dinosaur, too?
'Nuff said!
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