Last night, I settled into a deep funk.
After a week of hooting and hollering - and expending a heck of-a-lot-of-energy reporting on the Giants phenomenal - albeit tortuous - baseball bout with the Texas Rangers in the World Series Play-offs all week - suddenly it was all over and I fell into a deep abyss!
For the first night in a long time the calendar was blank.
What was a boy to do?
For those of you (like me) - who are struggling to get back to a certain plateau - there is always the ticker-tape parade to take in today- sure to rev up a bit of excitement for thousands of fans as it winds its way through the city core with the gang of Giants heroes in tow.
In fact, over 100,000 people are expected to participate in the celebration (which just started up a few moments ago at 11 a.m.) which will cruise along Montgomery Street (@ Washington), turn up Market Street a smidgen, then make its whimsical way on to the Civic Center Plaza.
Mayor Gavin Newsom will present the players with a key to the city - with a lot of pomp and circumstance, no doubt - in front of City Hall at about 12:30 p.m. or Newsom time (whichever comes first).
By the way, I should issue-up a warning.
There has been such a crush of folks anxious to attend, that BART (rapid transit), was forced to make appropriate adjustments along the route.
For example, trains will not be stopping at Montgomery St due to the humongous crowds swarming in for the San Francisco Giants revelry!
Attendees and regular commuters are being asked to use Embarcadero, Powell or Civic Center stations, in the alternative.
Or walk, if they can muscle their way through the mobs.
See 'ya there!
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