This morning I awoke suddenly - and sat bolt upright in my bed - with one thought on my mind.
Something must be up at the old blog!
Whenever I get a "psychic nudge" from the great beyond - it usually means that there has been a screw-up at the web site - so I am inclined to get on the fast track and figure out where!
I got an inkling that it was something to do with that regular "Dancing with the Stars" upstart - Bristol Palin - who I penned a post on last night before putting the blog to bed for the day.
Post: 11/19/10
After scanning the article this morning, it popped right out at me!
Bristol was mistakenly identified as "Crystal" in reference to her appearance on the top-rated weekly Television show.
After reviewing the edits this morning - it became abundantly clear - that "spell check" software inadvertently changed her name to "Crystal" right under my nose.
Go figure!
What kind of a Christian name is "Bristol" anyhow???
Count on some "loser" like Sarah Palin to curse her daughter with a moniker like that, eh?
The whole incident reminded me of Ed Sullivan!
Mr. Sullivan - the popular host of the Sunday Night Variety Show that aired on the old boob tube for years - was known to often trip-up when it came to the names of his guests.
Indeed, he often got 'em wrong, mispronounced the little suckers, and what-have-you!
Over the years, it was part 'n parcel, of the legend's overall charm!
Notwithstanding - it should be noted that newspapers and tabloid gossip rags - are often forced to follow up with "corrections" in their publications, too.
In spite of a posse of fact-checkers and eagle-eyed editors at their constant disposal - more-often-than-not - members of the illustrious press bound to make mistakes along the way.
Especially when you consider - that there are a bevy of B-list players parading across the show-biz terrain daily these days - that are difficult to keep track of.
They are hardly worth the effort, I dare say!
In my own instant case, I laugh it off.
A handful of these personalities are so low in stature in the show-biz arena - that they don't warrant closer scruitny - in my estimation.
They (like Bristol Palin) are just a stone's throw away from being has-been's, after all.
The fall-out yesterday did play-out to my advantage, though.
The hits zoomed into the stratrosphere as word-of-mouth spread that Bristol had been mistakenly referred to as "Crystal" in the scandalous post on "The Tattler" and elsewhere on the Internet.
What an insult to the little tart, eh?
I can live with that!
On the other hand - I never claimed to be perfect - for that matter.
If I was, I'd be on the "other side", free from the shackles that currently bind me to this mortal coil!
The truth will set 'ya free!
You betcha.
The Face only a mother could love!
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