Amid a sea of controversy - Bristol Palin slipped off her ruby red slippers and skulked away into the good night from whence she came - on Tuesday eve.
Her last hurrah?
In spite of the bold-faced deceitful efforts of a posse of Republican Tea Party upstarts to catapult Sarah Palin's daughter into the winning slot on "Dancing with the Stars" - pretty Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing) and Derek Hough (handsome professional dance cutie) - prevailed and snatched up the glittering disco ball!
The feat was not accomplished without a lot of sweat and tears, though.
In fact, in the final hours of the heady competition, Grey threw a disc in her spine after dancing her little heart out to a captive live! audience.
In recent weeks - fans of the hit show bit their nails nervously as they cursed the TV screen in disgust (one dude shot his screen out) - at what was shamelessly going down on the popular entertainment show.
Although more talented "dazzling" contestants scored high with the show's competent (professional) judges - for some inexplicable reason - the Alaskan tart (Palin) continued to score big-time with her sloppy dips and awkward two-steps with viewers around the country and at home.
By the time Levi's ex shot into the top slot, critics began to cry foul!
Were Sarah Palin's Republican Tea Party supporters in the political arena stuffing the ballot box at the ABC web site online???
At this juncture, a furor erupted in the blogosphere, and eleswhere!
Once the word was out, the viewing public fought back fervently to "right the wrong".
On Tuesday night, for example, a multitude of fans - anxious to vote for the best dancers (Grey & Hough) - overwhelmed the site with legitimate nods.
And, in the aftermath - after the ballots were tabulated - the deserving talented twosome were named top dogs on "Dancing with the Stars".
That just goes to show 'ya.
Hell hath no fury like an American viewing audience scorned!
Talk about a reality check, Sarah.
You betcha!
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