On the chic heels of Prince William's engagement announcement - knock-off artists sprang into action - to fill the potential demand for all-things Kate Middleton!
For example, quick-as-a-wink, a cheapo version of Kate's engagement sparkler (the ring that once graced the finger of Prince Willie's mother Lady Diana) was being hawked on HSN (by an enterprising Carol Brodie) for a posse of young lovers to scoop up for their own upcoming trot down the aisle of wedded bliss.
Issa - a popular fashion house for the tony elite - was quick on the uptake, too!
Within hours of the future Royale's appearance before the frenzied fleet-street press - the top brass was drawing attention to the fact Kate was gussied up in one of their own understated - but elegant - saphire blue frocks.
Once Ms. Middleton is firmly entrenched in the uppercrust society of the super rich - and the International Jet Set - will she go the way of Lady Diana before her or the Duchess of pork - er - York?
News at 11!
Vivacious Kate!
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