We are speaking of only US citizens. in second place vanilla (white ) shows up. In third those we wish to build a wall against? Hispanics. Black Americans dead last. and a third of hispanic income, begging the question why a wall? NAFTA? we like their products and the wealthiest man on planet earth lives there, why a wall. The EU based on the opposite attitude beats our ass in GDP. Where products move freely so should people be able to.
Lastly Amos and Andy banned (why not Lucy and Ricky making whites seem fools ....as they are) but watching Obama saw a touch of fawning and groveling of Amos and Andy. And it worries me lucy. and ethel as he speaks so well and does not act to push more radical ideas through missing a chance in a lifetime to change. And belies the fact we cant use a kiss ass in the white house. sorry,. i said racial? ok....a white republican kiss ass in the white house making amos and andy shows look great. And Obama look insipidly bogus. Hardly radical enough change for my taste and no balls at all.
new idea, median income for the elected and no pensions and no health care. as of now.
A short version of newts nonsense in 1994, during which few if any of the conract with america was fullfilled but for Newts monetary wealth.
So lets pay them what they are worth (and dump the best penison plan in hisotry and heatlht etc) and start with volunteers. negotiate to median income and no further. like real americans
as for the top 1% of income (paying a miserly 17% in tax....hell median income folks pay nearly half in effective tax rates and only 30% of the s&p 500 pay tax at all. Yet Cato etc talk about high rates . And for on the flip side of libertaianrnism. Laws on tax rates like laws on drugs are crap. and none work. If the top 1% had their taxes increased to 90% (hey crisis as WW II) they would still by planes, apartments, barges etc and depreciate them and pay zip ......laws make one thing only...a guideline wealth gets around. Just as the doctor selling the unnatural form of l-cocaine as ritalin (the d-l form) the seller of the former gets 8 years in the US. the later is called a doctor and hauls in money with the pharm rep, company and druggist legally Sick us yes?e
fiar no. and to legalize is to remove profits (look at the decriminalization in Mexico, fighting over the last cent in profits. Like bankers here and M&A. pure crap.
and women (unlesss on their backs) paid 33% less than men, and men on their backs are not paid. They are called pussies.
yes and the links beteen saddam and bush I clear but never spoken of. or Noriega or north or so many isses such as Bin Laden Construction working for Zapata (Bush owned) raking in billions for years in the US. Bin Ladens 54th son called Ossama. All other conspiratior nuts Saudis. So what are we doing in Afghanistan, the downfall of all invader? when the enemy is without a country (maybe Saudi or Yemen) But GW cant see and invades what he wishes. Connected or not. love peter j petersonspage (condord coalition) showing our delcining net asset values by debts is not reversible. And war gets no bonus points for stealing. nukes too prevalent. And today with reagan doing iran deals, cartel drug deals, etc....this info is easy to find. .....how odd to look to guns for contras from Iran? or why look for a n korean deal to destroy china. yet far strager things have happed. Sad and true.
go figure.
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