Up front, everything looked pretty kosher at the sneak preview of FASTER last night at the Mann's Chinese Theatre.
A stream of limos pulled up to the curb, lookie-loo's gawked at the celebs who alighted from their plush environs, and a posse of frenized paparazzi snapped away fevisherly at the stars who ran the gaunlet under the glare of the dazzling kleig lights.
Oh, there's nothing like a splashy Hollywood premiere, alright!
For the celebrated elite, that is.
In contrast, the highly-publicized event - which touted an appearance by star Dwayne Johnson - was a lesson in humility for the die-hard fans who turned out in full force to take part in the glitzy festivities.
Although the cast and studio suits made their entrances into the Theatre in grand style - the fans were left to huddle outside on a windy corner (a stone's throw away) in a long queue that snaked all the way down one dark lonley side-street - and then on - behind a run-down old building across from the football field at Hollywood High!
Many of the filmgoers - who initially turned up all gaga and excited about the screening - ended up standing in line for over two hours before they were turned away with crumpled invites in their numb little hands totally pi**ed.
Once again, sponsors - this time it was Power 106.1 and CBS Films - overbooked the seats to ensure there would be a noticeably large turn-out on the "WALK OF FAME" - for appearances sake.
How many folks are anxious to catch Johnson's new flick?
In the past, it was evident that Johnson once had a following.
For example - I witnessed excited crowds turned out at a CineVegas Film Festival screening of "Get Smart" - to catch his comic performance in droves.
Post: 06/16/2008
In this tough competitive market?
Don't think so, dudes!
However, there was upside to the fiasco that unfolded last night in the mean streets of Hollywood.
Folks waiting in line behind the El Capitain Theatre were treated to segments of the Jimmy Kimmel Show (which was being taped in the same block on a sound stage which opened at the rear of the building into a spacious parking lot) every time the security guards opened-and-closed the gate.
Curiously, Billy Bov Thornton (a star of FASTER screening across the street) was a guest on the popular talk show last night.
In the final analysis, fans got their monies worth, but in an odd round-about-way!
That's show biz for 'ya!
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