In this first installment of Mr. Manners - in this regular weekly feature at the Tattler - it's important to state drive home first things first!
We're mad as heck - the polite word to use in mixed company, folks - in Los Angeles (and elsewhere around the country, I expect) and we're not going to take it anymore!
If no one has lamented this in the past, then let me be the one to enlighten the teaming masses.
There's no scenario worse (or ruder, for that matter) than one in which a couple of immigrants are inclined to speak in a second language - Spanish, Russian, Chinese, you name it - resulting in an English-speaking citizen being excluded from the conversation.
This is particularly so, when the location happens to be a business entity, hospital facililty, or Government Office.
Indeed, boorish conduct such as this - not only amounts to bad manners - but reaches the level of a tasteless lack of etiquette in a polite society.
Unless, of course, there are no other English-speaking residents within ear shot!
And, common-place International greetings, aside.
That said?
Ciao, baby!
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