Lindsay on the move!
One minute, Lindsay Lohan was being hand-cuffed and hauled off to jail without mercy - in the next - the troubled starlet was being spirited away out a back door into a waiting limousine into the dead-of-night.
What the heck gives?
Media hounds were being run ragged and shaking their heads in frustration over the unexpected turn-of-events.
One thing was certain, though.
By the tail end of last week, the mind-boggling events surrounding the high-profile star, were starting to mirror the bad boy theatrics of Charlie Sheen which went down in Colorado just a scant few weeks ago.
For instance - on the heels of an insider tip that Charlie was about to cop a plea - a pack of overzealous paparazzi packed up their lenses and dashed off to the courthouse to catch the big scoop on celluloid.
Suddenly, without warning, it was a "no go".
No Sheen. No deal.
Back to square one!
Over the weekend, a similar fiasco unfolded on network TV, when two tabloid news shows rushed to report out-of-breath that Lindsay was in "jail" - and - denied bail.
In fact, she was not!
No, Sir!
Shortly after the entertainment reporters put their segments to bed - and the sensational news alerts flooded the airwaves - Lindsay had flown the coop!
Needless to say - the embarrassed gossip mongers (and media outlets that took a cue and followed suit) - ended up with recalled egg on the face.
But, not moi!
That's the beauty of being a blogger, after all.
With a flick of a finger - it's a snap to edit - and update the news!.
Though mainstream media types are prone to put down Internet writers - for lacking a background in journalism and what-have-you - at least bloggers can boast that their tripe is up-to-date and fresh out of the mouths of gossips!
No cigar for TV tabloid news!
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