In spite of the fact Budweiser's thirst-quencher (once boasting a de rigeur manly image) rode a foamy wave of popularity with robust beer-lovers over the years - the big brass at the bad-a** brewery - have been wringing their sweaty palms over a slump in sales this past year.
Have die-hard loyalists simply switched brands (an ominous thought) - or just foresaken the lightweight brewskie for a stiffer cocktail - sure to ease the pain in these tough economic times?
I wonder what President Obama's thoughts are on the subject of self-medication?
Maybe there's more to that "beer garden" at the White House than the Prez divulged to inquiring minds in the beginning.
Needless to say, in a bold-faced effort to boost its image and sales, Anheuser-Busch drummed up a promotion sure to keep the barrels rolling (on Wednesday, at least).
Free beer!
In fact, Budweiser honchos have declared Wednesday "National Happy Hour Day".
At 5 p.m. on that momentous occasion, barkeeps will throw open the spiggots, and a river of the suds will flow out across the country (albeit in 6 to 12 ounce-size samples depending on local liquor laws in effect).
In addition, Budweiser will be teaming up with "The Social Network" for those who like to get
"Sh** Face".
Just kidding!
Actually, a deal was struck to provide free brewskies to Facebook members on their celebrated "B-days" (though older dudes would prefer to forget the numbers racking up).
Just maybe, the under-thirty crowd will refrain from referring to a pick-me-up - that according to one executive - is often jokingly labelled:
"The Beer that Dad drinks"
Unless the trendier brand runs out, of course!
To quote Gertrude Stein:
"A beer is a beer is a beer."
Anheuser-Busch President - Dave Peacock (!) - was a harsher critic.
"Bud's not cool anymore," he sobbed to all within earshot in recent days.
But, if push comes to shove, maybe a truckload of slick advertising will cause fists to rise up once again in unison.
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