In an ironic twist - Heidi Klum is introducing an activewear line that fashion conscious gals can order on their laptops - from the comfy confines of their bed!
Talk about defeating the purpose, Heidi!
You'd think that if the bodacious babe was the least bit interested in being "active" she'd toss on some threads and window shop on the street at least!
Actually, the flawless beauty notes that she designed the line with busy on-the-go women in mind.
The collection - "New Balance" - puts the big spotlight on tunics, knits, woven tops, and leggings.
In her launch release - Klum's offerings are due out October 7th - she notes that she was inspired to introduce her activewear on Amazon because women (in her own words) have changed the way they shop.
What, no coffee klatches with the girls, after a tough day of scouring the racks in mid-Manhattan Sex-in-the-City Style?
Henceforth, Ms. Klum will be browsing the thumbnail images online for goodies while propped up on a big fluffy pillow.
Heidi, do 'ya mind if I cruise by for a bit of fall shopping?
Coffee is on you.
I'll supply the hugs!
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