Wal-Mart retail fortress!
Can you get these togas @ Wal-Mart?
During the course of a speech yesterday - on the subject of the role of small independent businesses in Anywhere USA - the President uttered up a comment that caused me to sit bolt upright in my comfy armchair shaking my head in disbelief.
As usual, Barack Obama's well-crafted ramblings were succinct and to-the-point - at times, even eloquent - but when it got right down to the nitty-gritty his strident notions were not always based on truth (or in reality, for that matter).
For example, at one juncture, the President asserted that "small businesses" were the anchors that held down Main Streets around the country.
What a load of Bullsh**!
Is Mr. Obama totally clueless to one stinging reality?
Shortly after super-store giants like Wal-Mart bull-doze their way into towns around middle America, most Mom & Pop shops go belly-up!
Subsequently, the American dream turns into a greed-inspired nightmare.
Barack, it's time you woke up, and smelled the coffee!
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