Occasionally foolhardy individuals find out - too late - about the repercussions of their actions.
What do they say?
If sentient beings had more foresight, than hindsight, they would be better off by a damn sight!
Paris Hilton is eating crow over that one after a brush with Customs & Immigration in Japan just a scant day or so ago.
On the heels of her guilty plea for cocaine possession, the Japanese - who usually welcome the fashionista with open arms - did a nasty about-face.
After detaining the shocked heiress for about six hours, officials informed Ms. Hilton she was barred from remaining in the country to tie up loose ends in respect to dangling business ventures and - for that matter - even saying "boo" to her fans.
Red-faced, and dejected, Ms. Paris jetted home shaken and stirred by the incident.
Years ago, John Lennon fought vigorously to remain in the United States when Immigation and Naturlaization learned of his drug conviction, and the Justice Department openly sought to deport the talented mop head - in spite of the fact - he was loved the world-over.
Ironically, if John had failed in his bid for U.S. residency, he may have been deported - and, as a consequence - might be very much alive today across the big pond.
In the final analysis, it's best to meet our fate - in my estimation - than to fight it.
There may be many blessings in following the path less travelled.
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