Today, a Happy Birthday greeting goes out to Gorgeous George.
No, I am not referring to the colorful wrestler of yesterday, who delighted fans on old boob tube Saturday afternoons with his wild antics in-and-out-of the ring.
Of course, I mean superstar George Clooney - who, like myself - celebrates another anniversary of his birth.
As I noted jokingly on Facebook yesterday, although George and I share a birthday, there are some differences in respect to our status on this mortal coil.
I am just as sexy as George - according to friends - but the superstar actor has quite a bit more moolah (big bucks) than I do!
If any of my readers caught the recent article I penned on "time twins" (which took a glance at the realm of astrology and the mysteries of the heavens) the reason for that should be easy to fathom.
Post: 04/15/2011
Though born on the day, we were not born under the same unique set of astrological circumstances under the mid-heavens when we both entered this world to play out our destinies according to the cosmic design.
Other famous (celebrated) individuals with a May 6th birthday include Willie Mays (baseball great), Rudolph Valentino (legendary silent film star), Sigmund Freud (noted dream analyst), and Orson Welles (genius film director).
Curiously, there appear to be some uncanny coincidences in respect to our chosen paths in life that have not gone unnoticed by moi!
A handful of us have been involved in the film industry in some capacity - either directing, acting, or film critiquing - for example.
I attribute my tendency to experience bizarre, symbolic - sometimes suggestively sexual dreams - to Freud's influence, by the way!
In different cultures birthdays are celebrated differently.
Muslims not only celebrate their own birthdays, but those of the Prophets, as well.
In the Jewish faith, particular birthdays are singled out and give rise to ritual ceremonies.
For example, a bar mitzvah is held for 13-year-old-Jewish boys which is benchmark in manhood.
The tradition of birthday parties started in Europe.
It was originally feared that evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays - so, to protect them - friends and family would ceremoniously present their loves ones with good thoughts and wishes.
Early Christians did not celebrate Christ's birth, though, because they considered the celebration of any one's birth to be a pagan custom.
Jehovah's Witnesses - and some Sacred Name groups - refrain from celebrating birthdays on the basis that they are portrayed in a negative light in the Bible and have historical connections with magic and superstitions.
Some Saints are remembered by a liturgical feast.
Colored lanterns at the Lotus Lantern Festival in Seoul (South Korea) are facilitated to honor the Buddha's birthday
The ancient Greeks believed that each person had a protective spirit that attended the person's birth and thereafter watched over him or her.
That spirit "had a mystic relation with the God on whose birthday the individual was born," according to the book "The Lore of Birthdays".
When Christ was born, the relevancy of his entrance onto the grand stage, was heralded by Angels who exalted to the Shepherds.
"I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people."
"The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And, you will recognize him by this sign. You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger."
Suddenly, the Angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying.
"Glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.""
In different cultures birthdays are celebrated differently.
North America families often mark a girl's 16th birthday with a Sweet sixteen party.
In Hispanic-American countries the quinceañera traditionally marks a girl's 15th birthday.
In India, Hindus have the 12th or 13th birthday replaced with a grand "thread ceremony."
The child takes a blessed thread and wears it to symbolize his coming of age. This is called the Upanayana.
This ceremony is practiced amongst boys in the Hindu Brahmin culture.
In some Asian countries that follow the Zodiac calendar, there is a tradition of celebrating the 60th birthday.
In Japan there is a "Coming of Age Day" for all of those who have turned 20.
In North America, family and friends often prepare a special cake for the celebrant - with candles on top marking the years - in addition to offering up gifts.
Usually, this is a joyous harmless occasion for the individual who is often shy about revealing their age as time marches on.
Fortunately, for citizens of the world, a handful of old customs have fallen by the wayside.
For example, according to the Greek scriptures, King Herod beheaded "John the Baptizer" at his birthday celebration.
Today, individuals are more inclined to hear enthusiastic words instructing them to try to their best to - "Blow out the candles" - rather than a more ominous one uttered up in the dark ages.
"Off with his head!"
Personally, I intend to treat myself to a movie and delicious supper, and count my blessings.
And, take a moment to wish George Clooney and Willie Ways, all my best.
Happy Birthday George!
Happy Birthday Willie!
Many happy returns, eh?
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