"Celebrity justice," they wailed!
Usually, the officials are red-faced when that little inevitability rears its ugly head.
But, the Police Chief at the Vegas slammer had no qualms in admitting up-front that Paris Hilton was handled with kid gloves when she was recently busted for cocaine in the desert oasis.
It was all about logistics and practicality, they swore up-and-down to the howling media.
"Yeah, she was treated differently," a deputy Police Chief reported non-plussed.
"So, I don't have have a disruption of my process here at the County Jail," he sniffed in the aftermath of the broohaha.
"She was moved along out of the general area and put in isolation where nobody could get to her.'
Everyone would be trying to get a piece of the "Paris" action, he slyly confided.
And - we all know - the cops have dibs on that cash cow!
The hookers would be trying to rub corsetts with her, I expect.
And, a few might try for a stab at an autograph.
"Just sign it with that ruby-red lipstick 'ya found in the purse right on my tat, hon!"
Isolation was the best bet, alright.
"To put her in the open dorm with male inmates and female inmates would shut down the process."
But, what folks really want to know, is how Hilton ended up with such a pretty mug shot.
Was she given a second or third take?
Maybe, she just primped a smidgen before she trotted up to the house shutterbug!
Or, is the kid from tony Beverly Hills, just photogenic?
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