And, the pesky little devils have not limited their lofty climbs to couches and boudoirs around the country.
Just ask shock jock Howard Stern.
This past week when a canine warrior (trained in the art of ferreting out bugs) strayed near the DJ's luxury auto in downtown NYC, his tail began to wag furiously as he switched into sniffing mode.
The virulent bastards had taken up residence in the carpet of Mr. Stern's chauffeur-driven limousine.
Of course, the title of a classic film came to my mind!
The scenario adds a whole new dimension to the concept of "Carpet Baggers", doesn't it?
Just betcha, Howard is itchin' to get back to his sumptuous digs for a hot soapy bath to scruinize his - um - infamous private parts!
Bottoms up!
And, how was your day?
Exposed & bug-eyed!
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