Giant's trophy a boy's fantasy!
(or pipe dream?)
A thunderous roar went up in the stands, champagne corks exploded and ziz-zagged around the locker-room in the bowels of the stadium at dizzying high-speeds, and a posse of boisterous athletes - mere pranksers, at this point - drowned their fellow team mates in a shower of expensive bubbly.
The Giants scored big in their fourth game last night - on the Braves' home turf in Atlanta (if you can imagine it) and Frisco's celebrated heroes of-the-hour weren't going to let the joyous occasion slip by without anyone noticing it.
How could the fans, anyway?
Earlier in the day, elated fans packed local pubs and trendy watering holes, to catch the pitch-by-pitch action on the wide screen much to the delight of local business owners who excitedly counted the cash that was thrust over the counter hand-over-fist throughout the course of the wild ride throughout the heady night that didn't disappoint as it finally bumped-and-ground to a halt at the nightly-news hour.
The Giants beat out the Braves 3-2 - in a game that some say - was history-making.
Meanwhile, long-haired pitcher - Tim Lincecum - zoomed right up there into super-star stud status in the big leagues, alright.
When it comes to sponsors in the weeks ahead?
The sky is no limit!
Meanwhile, at the Brave's clubhouse, Bobby Cox was crying the blues - literally.
Though one tough cookie, normally, he fought back a genuine hard-earned tear or two.
However, great sportsman that he is, the seasoned pro managed to utter up congratulations to the high-spirited dark horses who came from behind and bested 'em.
Amidst all the euphoria, some whiners were perdicting agony ahead for the Giants.
Their contenders - the Phillie's - were being hailed as great pitchers and hitters, for example.
Some scoffed that the Giants' win was a struggle against a team that was at the bottom of the barrel from the get-go.
To quote Gertrude Stein, however:
"A win is a win is a win!"
Fans, and critics alike, will see what stuff they're made of when they embark on a heady new experience on the star-studded diamond later this week.
Go! Giants! Go!
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