Sarah Palin has a cowboy mentality @ heart!
The Tea Party's head honchos were anticipating a huge turn-out in San Francisco this past weekend.
Instead of the thousands of innocent lambs expected to meekly show up for slaughter only a couple-of-hundred curious locals drifted into a near-empty foot-ball-sized park in the picturesque Bay area.
Embarrassing, eh?
Had the tea totlers known voter support had cooled somewhat - and that potential swing ballotters were inclined to stay away or attend other more entertaining cultural events around town - maybe they would have chosen a venue that was more appropriate - and in particular - capable of at least visually cloaking the awful truth.
The Repupublican Tea Party has lost steam.
And, he shine is off the once-gleaming "tea" service, too.
What happened?
It appears that the rag-tag gang of upstarts may be capable of boosting the morale of the republicans, but pundits are scratching their noggins and wondering aloud, what good is that?
The tea party has transformed - rolled over, if you will - and become a-bit-of a paper tiger.
Their roar can be heard, but it is doubtful that they will have enough influence to steer voters in their direction.
An old truism applies here:
"You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink."
Even Sarah Palin - who attracted crowds on a novelty basis once - is facing a backlash now in the cold hard light of day.
She's a hoot to egg on, but not a candidate worthy of their vote.
After all, Palin can't serve up any change, fresh leadership, or what-have-you.
A reality check, perhaps.
What America needs is a bright star with the wherewithall to move the country in a spanking-new direction.
In the final analysis - Palin and her hapless cronies - just can't cut it.
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