Offensive Canadian Quarter draws ire of foreigner!
Since my late visit to San Francisco, a foreign element has crept into the city, much to the city’s detriment.
I’m not talking about tourists, of course, who travel here to catch the sights - then, move on to other climbs - before heading home overseas.
At a handful of local shops, in ethic neighborhoods around the city - even in tourist areas - there appears to be a prejudice against whites which is alarming.
Tourists complain, for example, that shop-keepers in Chinatown rarely communicate much more than a grunt, whenever they saunter in and purchase a souvenir or two.
I suppose the whole concept of "service with a smile" is too civilized (or sophisticated) a notion for the Chinese to fathom.
Elsewhere, hostilities towards Anglo-Saxon Americans, have caused the silliest confrontations to arise, which mask the awful truth ad nauseam.
Whites in San Francisco are mostly resented - or hated outright - by minorities.
For example, one day when I stepped into Sonoma Liquors - a variety store at 65 6th Street (on my way to the arts district) I encountered an unpleasant foreign-looking cashier behind the counter.
An incident occurred over of a lowly quarter!
Talk about petty!
Earlier that morning, after cashing a twenty-dollar bill, I ended up with about a dollar’s worth of loose change in my pocket.
Because I am a trustworthy individual - and not a cheap person by any stretch of the imagination - I did not count the coins the 711 cashier handed back to me on South Market Street.
Big mistake!
In retrospect, it appears that the young man handed over a Canadian twenty-five-cent coin (a quarter) - by mistake or knowingly ( to get rid of the wretched coin).
In a heavily-touristed area, foreign coins slipping into the regular cash flow around the city, is not a difficult occurrence to figure out for a half-way intelligent person.
When I proceeded to pay for a beverage later in the day, at Sonoma Liquor on 6th (just below Market) the clerk went on the rag when he noticed the offending Canadian coin mixed in with the loose change I handed him..
“This is a Canadian,” he barked at me, as he viewed it with great disdain.
Frankly, I hadn’t even noticed!
What irked me most was the impression I got from his demeanor.
Did he honestly think I was trying to slip a lousy quarter by him to recover a few cents?
Before I could offer up a defense, he glared at me, then retorted snidely.
“I’m throwing this quarter in the trash!”
Before he could drop the coin into a garbage bin at his side, I cautioned him in so many words to hold on to his horses, though.
For starters, what right did he have to toss my money - Canadian or otherwise - into the trash?
Notwithstanding the obvious, I was quite offended by his attitude.
Canadian money - like currency in the U.S. - is legal tender.
In fact, in some parts of the country - closer to the border - U.S. merchants accept the coins for their silver content or because it is just simply good business to do so.
Moreover, what right did this a**hole have to toss my “money” into the trash without my permission or due consideration?
This is the type of humiliation Americans (and Canadians) are forced to deal with daily because of a foreign element populating these shores in recent years who are ignorant about our laws, traditions, and overall culture (and its values).
When folks lament that the U.S. - and big American cities in general - are becoming a third-world disgrace, well, they’re not far off in that assessment in my estimation.
I don’t begrudge these individuals the right to immigrate to North America, to seek a better life for either themselves or their families.
What does upset me is to be forced to face discrimination daily - simply because I am part of the white educated middle class - that these foreigners hate because they are under the mistaken impression we are responsible for their alleged oppression.
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