In true ironic style, David Lynch and Sir Howard Stringer will kick off the annual AFI Fest on Nov 4th - brimming with a bevy of films- that will speak of truth, cry out for justice, and attempt to hail festival organizers as great humanitarian filmmakers out to raise the consciousness.
It’s just a lot of hooey!
The lofty verbal diarrhea spewing forth from the AFI Fest headquarters in Hollywood (CA) is just a sleazy poorly-scripted heap of nonsense - tawdry fiction - served up on a silver platter by a posse of nefarious snake-oil salesmen like Lynch, Sir Howard Stringer (Sony), Bob Gazzalle (chief back-stabbing highway robber with his hands in the public coffers) out to hi-jack Washington’s gift to the American people for their own greedy, self-serving, political interests.
In a scant two days, David Lynch (in particular) established by virtue of his willful neglect of the pursuit of the truth and his deliberate failure to rectify a wrong - that he is not only a pitiful individual who actively attempts to diabolically silence free speech by dubious dishonest means - but also a scandalous phony inclined to trample on the rights of the free press and openly discriminate against decent members of the film community in a deceitful underhanded plot to bolster his flimsy reputation (checker-board at best) and those of the head honchos who do the dishonest bidding on behalf of the AFI Film Fest 2010.
When Lynch - and festival low-lifers such as Casey De La Rosa (PR), President & CEO Bob Gazzalle, and others - chose to discriminate against me and violate my rights (and quite generally fu** with my head as they to tried to twist a rusty old knife in my back and front) they crossed the proverbial line.
I intend to come out swinging - sue the bastards, if necessary - to toss a searing spotlight on their reprehensible conduct - and in the process - expose their shocking lack of moral rectitude - and corrupt old-boy network - on the world stage.
That’s what these disgraceful losers deserve - to be drawn-and-quartered and strung up by their girlie little balls in the town square - where decent members of the film community (who have also been snubbed by these elitist bums on a government payroll check and/or sponsor’s free ride) may be vindicated for all of the civilized world to feast their eyes on.
The disturbing conduct - that whipped me into a frenzy and resulted in a demoralizing melt-town this past week - was triggered by the outrageous mind-boggling stupidity of Casey De La Rosa - who was under the ludicrous impression that he could discriminate against me and violate my 1st amendment rights without so much as a whimper in protest.
When the evil machinations of De La Rosa reared their ugly head yesterday - out-of-the-blue - it was evident some skulduggery and behind-the-scenes manipulation from the likes of oddball David Lynch, ego-maniac Bob Gazzalle - and just maybe - a handful of phony baloney AFI snobs (headed up by Edward Zwick and Sir Howard Stringer) nodding their nasty approval from a rotten perch on the sidelines in the shadowy world of sleaze that is the underbelly of their corrupt Hollywood presence in the otherwise respected realms of inspiring film industry.
It should be noted for the record that since I became a fairly well-known film critic - I have covered the AFI fest for past two years in Los Angeles (and in Dallas) - with a two-pronged purpose.
For starters, I have always endeavored to provide informative intelligent critiques on film with the specific aim of shedding light on theatrical releases so that - ultimately - I may guide my loyal readers safely through a field of landmines (bombs) that would otherwise put a dent in the pocketbook.
In addition, it has also been a mission of mine to toss a spotlight on emerging talent - and thus - usher their creative gifts into the mainstream where their creative musings can be better appreciated in venues that have the capacity to bolster their status (and a sincere appreciation for their projects) in the community-at-large.
Without doubt, I have single-handed provided a wealth of press coverage to the AFI Fest over the past two years, which has contributed to the overall success of the annual event.
For a sampling of these reports follow the links posted herein below.
Unfortunately, at the tail end of the AFI Fest last year, I suffered a personality clash with the manager of the publicity department who has since left the organization (see specific details below).
Because I perceive my role as a multi-faceted one in which I not only pen movie reviews and conduct celebrity interviews, but also, report on the scuttlebutt behind-the-scenes (informative tidbits on the hits and misses) I was inclined to write an expose on John Wildman and his abuse of power, corruptions, mistreatment of the press, and what-have-you.
Post: 10/01/09
Post: 10/31/09
Of course, the expose caused a tempest in a teapot to erupt - at which point - Wildman embarked on a nasty crusade to deny me access to films, attendance at gala events, you name it.
I took the high road, however, and maintained my dignity throughout his attempts to assassinate my reputation with his superiors and key players in the film industry in attendance at the Festival.
Of course, I published another post, in which I focused on his heinous mean-spirited conduct, with the specific aim of exposing Mr. Wildman for the low-class piece of kaka that he was.
Post: 10/31/09
Shortly thereafter, when the festival wrapped, Mr. Wildman - and two other reps at the AFI Festival - resigned in a cloud of mystery.
The Los Angeles Times reported on this intriguing turn-of-events.
At this juncture, I contacted the AFI Festival Director’s office, to determine if the resignation of Wildman was reported accurately.
When the assistant to the Festival Director promptly assured me by e-mail communication - that Mr. Wildman had ( indeed) left his post - I informed the AFI that in view of the departure of Mr. Wildman I would resume covering their events and throwing much-appreciated publicity their way.
When it came to my attention that the deadline for applying for a press pass for this year’s festival - slated to run November 4th thru November 11th - I immediately contacted the publicity department by e-mail to secure credentials for the upcoming 7-day event.
In the interim, I published a couple of posts to enlighten my readers that the festival was - not only on the horizon- but scheduled to screen a handful of quality films they might be interested in catching.
Post: 10/18/10
In particular, I underscored that for the 1st time ever, David Lynch would take on the role of a “guest” Artistic Director.
Post: 10/06/10
I also proceeded to pen articles on specific projects that would be unveiled at AFI which included feature articles on Werner Herzog, special gala events, and-so-forth and-so-on.
Post: 10/18/10
As evidenced above, and by virtue of the links provided, I have established - without doubt - that I have selflessly promoted the AFI Fest on over a dozen occasions over the past two years.
And, one has only to review the body of the posted features (provided by link) to verify that about ninety percent of my press coverage has always been glowing, supportive, and prone to praise the filmmakers, the fest organizers, and the celebrities who appeared on the carpet to promote their projects, etc. etc.
In spite of this, the Festival turned around and reneged on their promise to issue a press pass, pursuant to an e-mail communication on October 14th (2010).
For example, a few days after I was informed that my press pass would be forthcoming, yesterday morning (about a week later), Casey De La Rosa the (head of publicity who took over the post previously held by John Wildman) fired off an e-mail in which he curtly informed me that my press pass was being revoked.
On what grounds?
In the terse two-line communication, Casey De La Rosa informed me that he “stumbled” on my scathing expose on John Wildman - and for this reason - was denying me access to the press room, gala events, and red carpet interviews!
I was particularly incensed by this disturbing piece of news, because I already made plans to return to Los Angeles to cover the event Nov. 4th thru Nov. 11th.
Moreover, once I started to receive press releases, I jumped into action and proceeded to pen a couple of feature reports on Mr. Lynch, the movies being screened, detailed information on the festival, how to secure tickets, and what-have-you.
Post: 10/18/10
Ungrateful bastards, wouldn’t you agree?
But what really got my goat was Casey De La Rosa’s refusal to provide contact information I required to lodge a formal complaint with Mr. Lynch, the AFI Board of Directors, AUDI sponsors, and Sir Howard Stringer (Chairman who heads up Son who is always hitting up the media for free publicity and glowing tributes to bolster his ego and feather his corrupt nest).
In fact, in spite of the fact the request was sent out day-before-yesterday, Casey De La Rosa has refused to respond with the e-mail contacts.
Since the AFI Fest is a non-profit organization - originally founded by a former President on the White House lawn a few decades ago - Mr. De La Rosa (I use the term Mister very loosely) I have been denied the information I am entitled to by law.
Are the e-mail addresses (or snail mail contacts by U.S. Post) a state secret, Mr. De La Rosa?
I hardly think so.
Also, an e-mail communication to David Lynch - guest Festival Director - has also been ignored by the top dog at the AFI Fest 2010 - thereby establishing his lack of courtesy to the press and his shocking lack of professionalism.
Or, is Mr. Lynch hiding, because it is evident to any fool that a review of Mr. De La Rosa’s reprehensible conduct establishes that he not only sought to “silence my voice” -but deny free speech rights guaranteed under the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
In sum, he discriminated against me, and violated my rights in the process.
For example - initially my press pass was approved - on the grounds that I established my writing capabilities and status in the film community.
Thereafter, when De La Rosa (and Lynch?) were enlightened about the expose on John Wildman, they elected to revoke the privilege.
In view of the foregoing, it is has been legally established that Lynch and the AFI and De La Rosa have attempted to censor me - and silence my voice in the process - in violation of the right to free speech.
In view of the fact the AFI was founded by the Government - to provide a forum for film in the U.S. - David Lynch, De La Rosa, Howard Stringer et al - are illegally denying me my right to access in my capacity as a member of the press (or independent party).
Further, they are in breach of their mission as a non-profit - which is backed by the government - because they have openly discriminated against me (i.e., treated me differently than other press members who abide by their arm-twisting tactics - or in the alternative - have written positive stories possibly prompted by gifts and payola?).
No matter how ‘ya cut it, the AFI Fest is an incestuous corrupt organization rife with unintelligent elitist snobs out to rob the arts community of their rightful entitlement to full access to the 7-day event without censorship or a requirement that they mention sponsor such as AUDI in AFI press coverage.
Shame on David Lynch, Casey De La Rosa, Sir Howard Stringer, Bob Gazzalles, Zwick, and Mike Nichols, and others involved with the AFI Fest who are responsible for this outrageous inappropriate conduct, which smacks of a form of extortion.
John Wildman former PR Manager at AFI Fest
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