And Jerry Brown thought Meg Whitman was a whore!
Yesterday, on the campaign trail, Barrack Obama uttered up a few startling comments on the subject of homosexuality, that left a few of his critics wondering what he was up to.
For example, he noted matter-of-fact to a posse of students on campus, that the gay lifestyle was not a "choice" by any stretch of the imagination.
"They (members of the LGBT community) were born that way," he asserted, without any apparent qualms about making such a sweeping controversial statement.
"We're all God's children," he solemnly preached, to all within earshot.
And, on that premise, the President took a leap of faith when he concluded - if you read between the lines - that the Lord intended it that way.
The Almighty doesn't make mistakes, after all.
I expect that when the word gets out today - to religious fundamentalists around the country - that there will be he** to pay for his stance on the subject.
Since Barack is an intelligent gent - keenly aware of the potential repercussions of his actions (especially mind-boggling ones that fly in the face of reason) - it begs the question.
Why the crash course on Homo 101?
For starters, I expect it was a bid for the youth vote, once again.
This time around, though, he is not the Saviour heralding change.
He already blew that one, in the eyes of the innocents, after all.
Just maybe, the gut-wrenching widespread reaction to the tragedy of a teen suicide in recent days, convinced Obama there was a voting block all-primed and at-the-ready to snatch up from the jaws of hysteria?
News at 11!
One for gays & their supporters on campus!
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