Millionaire philanthropist at peace with Bluegrass Festival!
In a mellow moment a scant few days ago - during the laid-back run of the ever-popular three-day "Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival" in historic Golden Gate Park in San Francisdco - word filtered back to the financial backer (& selfless founder) - Warren Hellman - that city officials were anxious to have a pow-wow with the easy-going music lover (and all 'round Patron of the Arts) to chat about the future of the festival.
Say what?
Hold onto your horses, dudes!
The sly round-about overture orchestrated by a posse of green-eyed monsters downtown at City Hall - not only inspired the following quote of the day - but triggered a large guffaw or two.
“If the conversation has anything to do with changing the Bluegrass Festival, I have a two-word response for them," Hellman chuckled to all within earshot.
"It’s not Happy Birthday, either."
And, how was your week?
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