A devastating fire swept through the Universal Studios theme park last night (and beyond to the CityWalk) and wrecked havoc with every amusement within its path save for one (that of the mighty King Kong).
Props were tossed this way 'n that before disintegrating into nothingness, fascades of fanciful buildings went up in flames in clouds of dark menacing smoke, as studio workers gazed on powerless and unable to quelch the fire's insatiable hunger.
At one point, gas lines previously installed for a pyrotechnics display (shut down recently to make way for a spanking-new thrill attraction), fueled a wall of ferocious flames that quickly raged down a slope towards Toluca Lake.
For tourists, it was a great loss - for now - until the rebuilding starts up.
Management has already issued a press release in which they have already stated in so many words that "the show will go on" in spite of the firey setback.
Universal Studios has been the a "home" away from home to many actors over the years.
Any performer worth their weight, has probably toiled on a movie set on the backlot - for instance - sometimes 'til the crack of dawn (tired, hungry, and anxious for their own familiar digs and the comfy bed that awaited them).
In fact, shortly after Michael Jackson passed to spirit in June (2009), I penned a post about a Jackson Video I worked on many moons ago at the backlot at Universal.
Post: 07/07/2009
Today, I noticed a full--age ad for the King Kong attraction in the LA Times.
If management is true to their word, then the legendary Ape should be open today - and henceforth - for tourist business.
I expect the macabre-minded will seize the opportunity to take in King Kong - and meander-off, too - to get an up-close gander at the destruction that the fire left in its wake.
Truth is stranger than fiction, alright!
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