Spike got a "face-lift" but ironically toilets still clog with shit!
(curb appeal on the cheap! cheap! cheap!)
Today, an impotent security guard - in a rinky-dink money suit - stepped into a heap-load of sh** when he harassed and discriminated against a guest in the Gold Spike Hotel in Las Vegas.
You know the type - a pig-headed loser who couldn't make the Police force dons a uniform with a gun packed in the holster to bolster his manhood - then proceeds to strut around like he has a big-swinging dick and the right to abuse the power vested in him by dim-witted Management at the Hotel who don't have a clue about the potenital liability of having a yahoo on the payroll.
A case in point.
Shortly after a guest exited the lobby for a jaunt over to the pool for a late-afternoon dip, a security guard by the name of - Brian Wills - stepped out of some bushes (!!!) and - in a threatening mean-spirited way - barked at the paying guest that he "couldn't go back there" (to the pool area).
Why, pray tell?
The lughead, with all the personality of a worm, didn't cite any reason - which infers from the get-go - that the Officer was openly discriminating on a whim.
Assholes, tend to do that, 'ya know?
Just maybe, he was jealous of the guest's cool shades?
Because the guest's lodging fees included use of the pool, Brian Wills' attempt to turn-back the individual, amounted to a denial of their right to access and privileges promised by the owners and management of the hotel when the room was booked (and paid for in full).
When the guest (aware that the Security Guard suffered from a low IQ) noticed that Wills was prone to over-step his bounds - and act out-of-line - he proceeded to politely inform the security guard that he was a registered guest at the Hotel.
The guard, realizing his fatal mistake, did a double-take in shock.
But, instead of taking the guest at his word (hadn't he eaten enough crow already?), he rudely demanded that the well-known celebrity guest show his key.
But, get this, the shocking misconduct persisted.
Instead of accepting the key as proof positive, he angrily asked for the suite number, after-the-fact.
Once again, the guest was able to provide the information at lightning speed - which would have satisfied any secruity guard - with an ounce of intelligence.
But the stupidity continued, when the slack-jawed bozo demanded the guest's name, too!
All efforts to block the guest's right to enter were snuffed out in one fell swoop by the intelligent, quick-thinking of the insightful guest - who had his number, just betcha - since the first moment the trigger-happy psycho's sorry carcass strolled onto the terrain.
But, the drama was far from over, as the wounded security guard emotionally-charged-up with anger and retaliatory thoughts swimming inside his ugly head, plottted to win at all cost to save face.
For instance, shortly after the guest arrived at the bar at the rear of the pool area, the security guard - who now appeared to be stalking him - appeared from behind and shouted in a loud voice so the poolside revellers in the immediate vicinity could hear:
"You've got shit on the back of your pants. You have to go clean up."
Talk about rude and insulting.
If you ask me, the security guard's defamatory remarks, are sufficient grounds for compensatory and punitive damages in a local Civil Court.
That's what happens when a Hotel hires a piece of white trash without one well-mannered, educated, or classy bone, in their entire fat frame.
Notwithstanding, some of bizarre conduct, begs an obvious question.
Why was Brian Wills checking out the guest's ass?
Secondly, the allegation was ridiculous.
The fashion-savvy guest was wearing acid-dyed jeans - a fabric design idea - that often creates "patches" of discoloration on the surface (and even the interior) of the garment.
What an idiot!
I expect he wears fruit-of-the-lumes with urine stains on the crotch!
The wild accusation was just an outrageous shoddy ploy to embarrass and humiliate the guest in front of a patio packed with revellers who were now gazing on in shock and disbelief.
At this point, Wills had the audacity to shout at the guest:
"Go get yourself cleaned up or change your pants."
In view of the fact other guests were in - shorts, flimsy-bikini-briefs, and an odd-assortment of fashions current and out-of-favor- the notion that the guest should change his pants for a security guard who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground was an absurd notion.
Because the allegations were confusing - and bizarre - the guest went up to their room to take a backward's glance at the "ass" of the slacks in the mirror to fathom what the fuss was all about.
Nothing out of the unusual.
As aforementioned, some blotched areas - on the jeans when they were originally purchased - were subtly noticeable as usual.
At this juncture, the guest tried an experiment.
He splashed water on the area the guard complained about - but, no sir - the patters ingrained in the jeans were not about to "wash out" so easily.
The guest proceeded to Video-tape the jeans so there would be evidence to support his claims in the event a lawsuit is filed for damages.
So there, Wills!
Obviously, the demented guard - with poor sight, perhaps? - jumped-the-gun and came to the wrong conclusion.
Or, was he just desperately trying to find an excuse, in a deceitful effort to try to substantiate his outrageous conduct - and ultimately - "weasle" out of his gross error in judgment?
When the guest stopped down at the front desk to file a complaint with the Supervisor, the rogue Security Guard trotted up - got in the victim's face - and tried to bully him further.
In no uncertain terms, the guest reiterated in front of witnesses standing in the lobby, that Officer Brian Wills decided at first glance that the guest "did not belong" there and - contrary to the guard's false statements - tried to deny him access "because he had the authority" (but no legitimate cause) to do so.
The officer engaged in the discriminatory conduct before he even "checked-out" the guest's ass.
A pretty, firm one, if 'ya ask moi!
Maybe the guest should file a formal complaint for sexual harrassment and stalking against that security guard?
After all, judging by what I witnessed, that Brian Wills is a perverted demented piece of work.
At this point, the supervisor instructed Mr. Wills to back off, so he could have a meaningful discussion about the disturbing incident without interruption, in order to properly address the sick behaviour of the security guard who obviously needs therapy.
Frankly, in my estimation, Brian Wills poses a threat to the guests and the casino-going throngs as well who frequent the Spike.
"Rotundo" (the guard in charge that evening) apologized - extended his hand - and tried to calm the waters.
However, it was pretty obvious that he was anxious for the incident to go no farther.
Golly, wonder why?
Unfortunately for the guard, the guest requested a complaint form so that a full investigation could be pursued with vigor.
Officer Brian Wills, after all, demonstrated today that he lacks sound judgment, abuses his power, openly provokes and harasses hotel guests without povocation at whim, and - in the final analysis - has a sick meanstreak that not only makes him unfit for the job but in emergency need of psychological counselling.
He's a loose cannon about to go off!
Personally, I was flabberghasted by what went down, especially in view of the fact the individual in question was a well-known celebrity around the globe!
Does Brian Wills have his head so far up his sloppy butt-hole, that he doesn't know what's going on in celebrity-filled Vegas on a daily basis all around him?
Las Vegas residents and businesses have been moaning and groaning about a lack of business in recent days.
No wonder, Brian Wills and his merry gang of thugs are scaring them all away.
A pleasant-young desk clerk (by the name of "Tara") - who expressed dismay and sorrow over the unfortunate incident - assured the guest that if he dropped by the office the following morning that the Hotel Manager would not only lend a sympathetic ear - but also - take swift appropriate action against Brian Wills for his misconduct, wrongful discriminatory acts, and open harassment of the guest in Violation of his rights.
Ironically, just this morning, I posted a glowing review of the Spike Hotel, encouraging guests to book into this boutique-style gem.
Post: 07/10/10
Now, I have to take pause to consider one glaring truth.
Until Officer Brian Wills is removed from Security Guard detail at the Spike Hotel, perhaps guests intending to book a room in the near future, should move on to lodging where security guards have taken an oath to protect and keep safe guests and not discriminate, harass, and violate their rights as Officer Brian Wills is inclined to do.
News at 11!
Brian Wills attended rinky-dink Security Guard School!
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