Is Lindsay Lohan still drifting in-and-out of dreamland in her cozy bed on the West Coast in an upscale enclave right now - or tossing and turning at her wit's end - trying to fathom her fate at the crack of dawn on drug-related charges?
Robert Shapiro took over the role of "Attorney of Record" on Friday - but, wait a minute - is he pulling a fast one like he did on the O.J. Simpson case?
Bowing out, so soon, Robert?
Reliable sources are tittering that after Shapiro promptly ensconced the troubled starlet into a prestigious rehab over the weekend, by Monday night he had already quit!
Earlier, on Monday afternoon, Shapiro was spied holding court with Judge Marshal Revel for some inexplicable reason.
Was Shapiro testing the waters to determine how Her Honor was "leaning"?
Obviously, in view of the scuttlebutt, the diminuitive star of the legal circuit wasn't happy with the way the wrangling went down.
Some speculated that Shapiro's ploy was to first install Lindsay in rehab - and based on an alleged critical need for "Emergency" intervention - then demand that Lindsay be granted a precious "stay-out-of-jail" card.
Judging by the alleged outcome, Shapiro needs a new Shaman!
Amidst a blitz of clawing media hounds, curiosity-seekers, and fans - Lohan will purr up to the curb in a limo later this morning, slip into a packed court-room, and summarily surrender her sexy bod to the Sheriff who may (or may not) hand-cuff the popular actress before hauling her off to a cold grey cell.
Will she cry out - "Mom!" - like a certain young heiress was inclined to a scant few seasons ago?
News at 11!
Paparazzi about to descend like flies on shit!
(Beverly Hills)
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