Gore came out swinging on sexual groping allegations!
Gore love tryst at Hotel Lucia in doubt
Former Vice President Al Gore was cleared Friday of allegations he groped and assaulted a masseuse in a luxury Portland hotel.
If you recall, I published a portion of the eye-brow-raising claims from the local police report, which read like a cheap dime-store novel.
Post: 07/07/10
Some speculate that because Molly Hagerty - the alleged victim - dragged her feet for a couple of years before going on the record with her account of things - that it was an indication that something was amiss - certainly no slam dunk for prosecutors.
The tabloid press had a field day with the escalating scandal - dwelling on the where's and whyfore's of an assumed name Gore used (Mr. Stone) when he checked into the Hotel initially, his sudden announcement to part ways with his lifelong sweetheart - Tipper Gore - on the eve the allegations erupted, and-so-forth and so on.
When the tawdry tale first broke, Gore stopped just short of a lament that could have been uttered up from his former boss's lips.
"I did not have sex with that woman."
Gore's handlers were ecstatic when the final decree issued forth from the local Constablery in Portland, Oregon, on Friday.
"Mr. Gore unequivocally and emphatically denied this accusation when he first learned of its existence three years ago," spokeswoman Kalee Kreider stridently noted in a prepared statement.
"He respects and appreciates the thorough and professional work of the Portland authorities and is pleased that this matter has now been resolved."
In respect to the sometimes wild and outrageous allegations, Michael Schrunk (the Multnomah County District Attorney) was inclined to sum up that - "contradictory evidence, conflicting witness statements, credibility issues, a lack of forensic evidence and denials by Mr. Gore" - were sufficient grounds to drop the charges.
In fact, the ongoing investigation - according to a Senior District Attorney Don Rees - proved to be pretty darn dicey in the final analysis.
Rees noted in a revealing memo, for example, that Hagerty and her attorneys were uncooperative, witnesses could not remember anything unusual, and that Hagerty - in addition to failing a polygraph examination - refused to fess up to suppositions that a scandal rag sold at supermarket counters paid for her story.
In a nutshell, Ms. Hagerty accused the former Vice President of forcing himself upon her during a paid-by-the-hour massage session.
According to the lengthy detailed police report, Mr. Gore deep-throated her, grabbed her buttocks, and forced her onto a bed with the intent of penetration, before she managed to break free of Gore and his alleged "split personality".
Gore was perplexed by the allegations and reported to Detectives that he remembered almost nothing of Hagerty.
So, it would appear there was a massage - but what happened between the two - remains a mystery.
There were questions about Hagerty's claims from the beginning.
She first contacted police in 2006 through an attorney, claiming "unwanted sexual contact" by Gore, but failed to appear for three meetings anxious Detectives set up with the specific aim of launching a thorough probe within the full extent of the long reach of the law.
Hagerty's reluctance to meet with Law Enforcement, however, did not signal an end to the matter.
Shortly thereafter, the National Enquirer published an online version of her night of sexual terror, which triggered a second round of investigations by the Portland Police who were inclined to follow through come hell or high water.
Meanwhile, legitimate press in that neck-of-the-woods - the Portland Tribune, for example - jumped into the frey and proceeded to conduct their own probe on the allegations of sexual impropriety on the part of environmentalist Al Gore.
Ms. Hagerty participated in that foray by virtue of an interview.
After reviewing the facts and evidence on hand, editors at the reputable newspaper opted to bow out, after conceding shamefaced that it would not be responsible journalism to move forward with a story.
On the heels of the Police Department's announcement at the tail end of the week, a media and entertainment lawyer representing Hagerty (!) stated for the record, that his client was disappointed that the District Attorney declined to prosecute.
"I understand their position," the independent contractor acknowledged through legal counsel.
In addition to noting that the whole fiasco was quite a traumatic one for his client, he also confessed that he has no idea where Ms. Hagerty is currently holed up.
As to the whether Ms. Hagerty was paid by the National Enquirer to recall the night she was nearly gored by the former VP, the answer is blowing in a North Eastern Wind.
Do inquiring minds want to know?
News at 11!
Passionate Al lock-lips Kiss on Tipper!
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