Loss of Innocence Hollywood-style!
A swarm of paparazzi excitedly jockeyed for position in front of a courthouse on a tony Beverly Hills street, a defense attorney committed a boo-boo when she inferred that the Judge may have been responsible for a misunderstanding that may have confused a teary-eyed starlet, and the world held its collective breath as the accused's fate was about to be determined by a no-nonesense Judge.
At two in the afternoon, when far-fetched soap operas were spewing their wild yarns on local and National broadcasts, a real-life drama was unfolding in a court-room packed to the rafters with rapt observers hanging on every word uttered up during the proceedings.
Early on, there was a burp in the legal wranglings, when the court expressed its dismay about the fact one pertinent record - a detailed account of Lindsay Lohan's appearances at mandatory counselling sessions - was not available to peruse under close scrutiny.
For good reason, the Judge moved for a recess to rectify the problem.
I reported on this issue earlier in the day.
Post: 07/06/10
When the proceedings continued a short while later, the court focused on the documents in minute detail.
In fact, an employee of the facility where Lindsay Lohan was enrolled to take the necessary classes to meet the terms of her probation, was called to the witness stand to clarify the issues.
After an exhausting sifting through of records, it was ultimately determined that Ms. Lohan had failed to appear at 7 out of the 27 scheduled classes.
Ms. Lohan's attorney noted that after probation was revoked and a warrant was issued, her client made a good-faith effort thereafter to catch up with her obligations, by attending two or three classes in one week instead of the one stipulated by the court.
At this juncture, Lohan's attorney made a big boo-boo (or under-estimated the Judge's intelligence and insight), when she blatantly inferred that the her Honor may have been responsible for the misunderstanding (if there was one) and the alleged failure to comply.
"In Chambers, I recall you requested one class a week to ensure the obligation was completed by July 15th," the defense lawyer asserted for the record in so many words.
On the contrary!
The Judge proceeded to note for the record that she stipulated once a week because it was her understanding from experts in the field that a subject benefitted best by attending classes regularly once (not two or three times) a week.
Lohan's attorney must have had wax in her ears, or something, because that statement by the Judge failed to register in her little noggin'.
Later, just prior to sentencing, the ditzy attorney reiterated that the Judge imposed the 1 week class schedule to meet a July 15th deadline date set by the court - and that in view of that - her client was not in non-compliance.
Then, the attorney made the wildest comment of all.
"As of this week, Ms. Lohan is in full compliance with her court-ordered obligations.
At this juncture, just prior to a verdict being read, the court permitted Lindsay Lohan to stand and address the court.
Within minutes after asserting that she thought she was in compliance, and citing unusual work-schedules to explain away irregularities, the pretty actress's voice filled with uncontrollable emotion - at which point - she broke down and cried.
Personally, I don't think they were crocodile tears.
Unfortantely, for me, the work excuses didn't hold much water.
Daily, defendants lose their apartments and jobs on the heels of an arrest when they are jailed, put on probation, and so forth or so on.
That comes part 'n parcel with the conviction of a crime.
To expect to "do her time" - and continue normally with her life without interruption - in view of life's reality regarding the legal system in this country today is a preposterous selfish notion.
At this juncture, the prosecutor launched her closing arguments.
"I appreciate the tears, but the truth is that she has not been in compliance," she started off.
The hefty middle-aged female attorney proceeded to rattle off the details which didn't leave much doubt that Ms. Lohan was in fact - guilty of the accusations - as alleged.
Things got worse for Lohan when the Judge cited grounds for the ruling to be announced in the next breath or two.
"You lied when questioned about the DUI incident," she began.
For example, you tried to blame two others for the incident, before it was determined that you were actually driver of the vehicle, she added slowly and methodically.
When white powder was spotted on your jeans, you claimed the clothing was not yours, she continued in earnest.
"However, friends testified that they were your favorite pants."
Liar! Liar! Your pants are on fire!
Just betcha TMZ has dozens of shots of her in hob-nobbing at society events in those stylish threads, eh?
And, the Judge kept the hits zinging from the bench.
"You said you went to Promises for two weeks and that you were clean and sober. But your urine sample tested positive for cocaine," she noted solemnly for the court record.
Lies. Lies. Lies.
Finally, the sentence came down.
Lindsay was given three 30-day consecutive sentences in jail - in addition to - ninety days in rehab once the stint in the big house has been completed.
The emotionally-distraught starlet was ordered to surrender herself to the court on July 20th.
Just look at it this way, Lindsay, if you ever get called to audition for the part of Francis Farmer - you'll nab the part, no doubt - what with all the extensive experience under your belt 180 days from now.
Good luck, Lindsay.
Will come visit!
Did prior plunging neckline offend the court?
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