The Man in the Mirror!
Everyone agrees that securing the borders with stepped-up patrols to stop the flow of illegals into the U.S. border states is not enough.
And, that fining employers who hire undocumented workers, is essential too.
But, the aforementioned measures are not the “be all” and “end all” to the out-of-control problem.
So, when the President noted that landmark Immigration Reform was the answer, many rallied in support.
Unfortunately, at this juncture, it is doubtful that the ambitious proposal will see the light of day this year.
Then, why the televised speech on Immigration reform in recent days?
With Obama’s approval rate at an all-time low, pundits speculate that the speech was a bold-faced effort to send a signal to the Latino community, that he will make things right when given the opportunity.
In a nutshell, the President was dangling a carrot, and hinting that backing the Democrats would be beneficial to their cause (somewhere down the political highway).
It has been suggested that Obama could use his authority as President to grant a “pardon” to all illegal immigrants in the country - and thus - resolve the Immigration snafu with the flourish of a pen.
The notion is not a wild one necessarily.
In 1986, the Government passed a landmarkImmigration Act, which granted amnesty to undocumented aliens who could prove (by way of documentation) that they were in residence in the U.S. for a specific duration of time.
In the current scenario, the President would be forced to give a nod to at least 12 million undocumented aliens, according to the last record-taking on the numbers.
“Too much of a burden on the Nation,” some lament.
Indeed, illegals have been accused of not only draining public resources (the welfare system, medical services, school funding, public assistance programs) but also depleting the budgets to a breaking point.
In view of this, President Obama must be cautious.
Many solutions have been tossed about - from the “pardon” idea - to one that promotes “sweeping change” in a well-crafted Immigration Reform bill.
But, why is it that no on has raised the issue of quotas?
A couple of decades ago, it was a prestigious privilege to be granted a Visa or the blessing of residency in the United States.
In those days, unless an applicant was a brain surgeon - or in a career area that would contribute to the American way of life in a high-profile positive way - legal status would be rejected.
Today, power-brokers in Washington representing companies seeking cheap labor, are hell-bent on opening the borders wide to day workers to protect and bolster their clients’ profit margins.
To grant legal status in one fell swoop would not only overwhelm the Nation, but have a devastating impact on the work force and the economy.
Which begs the question.
Why hasn’t Barack Obama explored the issue of quotas?
Instead of just “pardoning”, or “passing a reform bill”, why not start advancing the idea that illegals in the country step forward and petition for legal status with the provision that they meet the criteria of a set “quota”?
After all, no sane Government of any great forward-thinking Nation, would just throw open the doors to the humbled masses without balances and checks in place.
Bottom line, a quota could turn out to be the “compromise” that warring factions on Capitol Hill may be able to accept.
Surely, a sophisticated country like the United States of America, can find an equitable solution to the problem.
God willing!
God willing!
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