Roman Polanski is a free man!
At the crack-of-dawn, it was announced that the Swiss Government - until now holding the beleaugered film director by virtue of "house arrest" pending a ruling on legal issues - rejected a U.S. bid from the District Attorney's office to extradite Mr. Polanski on a charge of having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl in respect to a decades-old case.
A source close to the proceedings confided that the Judges presiding over the proceedings mostly blamed U.S. authorities for failing to provide confidential testimony about Polanski's sentencing procedure in 1977-1978 to bolster their arguments in support of the deportation to face "Justice" in America.
Specifically, a formal request for testimony by one Roger Gunson (who headed up the prosecution when it was first initiated) was cited as an example.
Whether Steve Cooley (District Attorney) will drop future efforts to persist with criminal action remains to be seen.
On the heels of the decision, Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf noted in no uncertain terms:
"Mr. Polanski can now move freely. Since 12:30 today he's a free man."
Congrats, Roman!
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