Maybe I should have visited Joy in her dressing room?
After Barbara Walters promised to show her scar from a recent surgery on an upcoming gab fest, Whoopie Goldberg gushed that she was honored to be the first day-time talk-show host to introduce a "sitting" President to a daytime TV audience on the View - after a commercial break - of course!
"Did you think appearing with 5 women who never shut up would be calming," one of the gals quipped, at the top of the much-anticipated coffee clatch on ABC TV.
True to form, before President Obama could utter up a response, a potentially embarassing zinger was fired off his bow.
"Have you ever watched us?"
"Yes," he beamed.
Because it was one of the morning shows that Michelle watched, he fessed up to delighted viewers, without any qualms.
As Barack settled into the picture-postcard set at the studio, he was also quick to make a keen observation or two.
"These couches are made for little people," he chided, although he managed to glide smoothly into an open space nonetheless, with little ado.
And, it probably didn't escape the attention of audiences from here to Timbuktu, that the Prez was quick to dangle one leg over his knee (an annoying habit rugged critics have found somewhat effeminate in nature).
Then, the chatty fivesome - though noticeably lower-key on this celebrated occasion - probed with kid gloves.
This wasn't intended to be a puff piece, after all.
No, Sir!
Since there appears to have been an all-encompassing focus on - the oil spill, racism, and the Afghanistan wikileaks controversy in recent days - a spunkier Lois Lane wondered aloud if the Obama family still engaged in a weekly round of "the rose and the thorn" at home as once was their tradition.
"Yes, but since the kids have been away, it has just been with Michelle."
So, what was a "rose", of late?
A couple of days in Maine bike-riding and hiking, naturally.
Though labelled a bit girlish by a posse of Generals - at heart - Obama is a down-to-earth out-doorsy person (or so it would appear).
When the topic focused on the children, and his relationship with them, he laughed.
"They aren't teenagers yet, so they still like their parents."
Although the children are just 9 and 13 years of age, respectively, Obama stressed - on the other hand - that they were rife with opinions and bubbling over with ideas at this juncture in their innocent lives.
With a little delicate probing, the outgoing fivesome managed to ferret up some heartfelt sentiments from the President, too.
"I've been amazed at how resilient the American people can be," he noted cheerfully.
"It wasn't tough for me, though. When I reflected on what people have been through, I drew inspiration from that."
Was there a "thorn" in his side in recent months?
"Oh, the things the media focuses on, I don't focus on."
In one poignant moment, he confided that letters he had written to parents - who lost children in the Afghanistan War - gave him more perspective."
Joy Behar - who often tends to be the bitch on wheels - didn't disappoint.
The little spitfire tried to pump the Prez about right wing criticisms, their impact, and what he thought of the way Fox pundits tried to hijack the narrative.
Clever Barack didn't fall into her sly clutches, though.
In response, he quipped that it was Joy's job to fathom that one out.
One of the most humorous quotes?
"Politics is not a bean bag."
A bag of explosive beans, perhaps?
"When times are tough, naturally, a political agument will be going on."
"It's frustrating in one sense. We shouldn't be campaigning all the time. There should be a time to govern, as well."
Without being too pushy, the President managed to tout a handful of his accomplishments, in case it slipped a few housewive's minds at home doing the laundry in-between watching the day-time soaps.
For example, he touched on the strides he's made in health care, financial reform, and advances in the education arena.
But, he was basically humble, bottom line.
"I am not perfect. And, my administration is not perfect," he conceded.
How does he deal with unexpected dramas that arise on a daily basis?
"If it is a fair, I'll listen."
Sounds reasonable, eh?
But, he was quick to note that the 1st lady differed, in that regard.
"Michelle doesn't think any of it is fair."
Barack, you've got some 'splainin' to do when you get back to the big house, just betcha!
It many respects, the President made a lot of sense to moi - in fact - for the most part, I was impressed with his Statesman-man-like approach to dilemmas.
"I prefer to set a positive tone in a debate. It's okay for parties to disagree, but do so without being disagreeable."
Something those gaggle of giggling gals on the View would be wise to take away from the experience, for starters.
It has not escaped his attention that the media likes to be combative and say outlandish things just to stir up the stakes (while boosting the ratings).
"They're Looking for controversy 24/7"
Maybe Obama's slogan should be: cooler heads prevail?
Children have healthier views, he piped up at one point.
Adults tend to have a reptilian side to their brain, he explained.
"If something looks different, we become cautious."
"In the final analysis, we are all Americans, who share many of the same hopes and dreams," he summarized.
"We're all connected."
Maybe his theme song should be:
We are family!On the subject of music, in one humorous moment - when given a pop culture quiz by gutsy Joy Behar - the President proudly noted that his roster of tunes on his ipod was far-reaching and comprised of a myriad of genres.
"I have Jay-Z., Frank Sinatra. Even, Maria Callas."
Any Justin Bieber?
The audience roared.
"No," he sheepishly admitted.
"He did perform at the White House, though. And, I found him to be a fine young man."
In an offbeat moment, Barack acknowledged that he was aware that "Lindsay" was in jail.
Thank God for little mercies.
After being quizzed about the troubled starlet in the slammer - at least he didn't come back with - who?
But, a sort-of Jersey Shore-gate unfolded, when Obama claimed he didn't know who Snooky was!
Clever fact-checkers were on that one licketty-split.
In the past, many may recall that Obama made a joke about the Snooky character in a speech.
Just trying to appear to be hip?
Does he tweet, at least?
"No. I think we have an official Presidential tweet that goes out. But, I expect that it is penned by a twenty-year old somewhere."
Barack admitted to owning a Blackberry, though, in an official capacity.
"Nothing juicy," he chortled, with a tinge of disappointment in his voice???
When the issue of being left out-in-the-cold in respect to an invite to Chelsea Clinton's wedding, Barack was in true form and handled the issue with Grace.
"Obviously, the Clinton's wanted privacy for their daughter's special day. One President at the ceremony is quite capable of keeping the Secret Service busy."
Quick on the uptake, as usual, Obama noted that no one should expect an invite to his kid's nupitals either.
Tit for tat?
The President argued the point - that if "we" keep pushing and pushing - the economy will slowly get better.
"Once we get our mojo back, things will get going again."
A parting message?
"Don't bet against American workers or American technology."
Or, the power of the morning talk show medium, either.
Though critics voiced their disapproval wide-and-far about the President's appearance on a tawdry morning tabloid-show - the fodder about the President's appearance has been gobbling up the broadcast and blogosphere airwaves!
Of course, it didn't hurt that blabber-mouth Joy Behar has been spilling the beans about all the behind-the-scenes goings-on down at the studio, to rustle up interest in her night-time show where clips of the landmark interview are slated to broadcast tonight.
"It was like being at the "Ramrod" (gay leather bar) on a Friday night. There were more gay guys there than at a Kathy Griffin concert."
And, what of Obama, the man?
"Oh, he commands attention when he enters a room. Barack cuts a fine swath, indeed."
With an air of vanity about him, perhaps?
When you consider a quip about his grey hair earlier on in the broadcast, I'd say "decidedly so".
He hasn't started walking on water, yet, though.
That's my View, anyhoo!
Barack to slip stash to Lindsay in slammer!