A few months ago, amidst all the hoopla of the approaching grand opening of Aria, a wrecking ball began knocking down walls at the front end of Steve Wynn’s resort Hotel on Las Vegas Boulevard.
The mercurial entrepreneur - a mainstay on the Vegas scene - wasn’t going to be left behind!
Wynn announced that he was pumping several million dollars into renovations with the specific aim of creating a swanky Beach Club.
When I cruised by Wynn’s Encore early this afternoon, and spied the almost-finished play spa, it struck me that Steve was either a great visionary or just managed to luck out on a good idea that was going to transform his resort from the image of an exclusive Ivory Tower beyond reach of the common masses to one that would have a more widespread appeal to regular tourists, businessmen on-the-go, you name it.
For example, Wynn’s original Hotel was set back off the main thoroughfare, and not easily accessible from the strip.
Patrons trundling down the strip on a pub crawl were forced to take a long jog up a curving drive - as they dodged a fleet of elegant Rolls Royces - chauffeuring the rich and mighty in-and-out of the tony establishment.
A bit off-putting for the regular Joe.
Because Wynn has fronted the Beach Club right on the Vegas Strip the Resort will obviously be transformed in many respects as a result.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Wynn will be rustling up a lot of street traffic, which will boost sales and the overall popularity of the Wynn.
Good on you, Steve!
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