On the hit show - "Sex in the City" - Sarah Jessica Parker plays a character who is - outgoing, perky, down-to-earth, smart, funny - far removed from her true persona off-screen.
For starters, Ms. Parker is overbearing - painfully so -as evidenced by her appearance on the Dave Letteerman last night.
Once all the perfunctory tasks were out of the way, Dave made the big mistake of casually inquiring about her children.
Oh, boy!
Talk about a doting mother!
As Ms. Parker rattled on and on about her little darlings, it became evident she's a little koo-koo when it comes to parenting.
When she raved about what a genius her son was, it was pure - "only a face a mother could love" - kind-of-material ripe for cynical pokes from stand-up comics and Late Night talk-show hosts.
Judging by the way Ms. Parker gushes ad nauseam about her son, it is quite evident, that if the popular actress continues with her excessive unhealthy "smothering " that the boy is going to be facing therapy in his adult life (and he'll probably turn out gay).
Sarah, do you realize how boring you are?
Take a cue from Carrie - lighten up!
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