Tough broad fights back!
Sarah Palin is on the warpath!
A relative calm prevailed over the woodsy community - where she presides in Alaska - until an unexpected stranger moved in to the cottage next door.
When the identity of the new tenant was revealed, Ms. Palin was inclined to spring into attack mode.
As it turns out, the mysterious tenant was none other than author Joe McGinniss who is currently penning an unauthorized biography on the former VP hopeful, Sarah Palin,
"He's invading my privacy," charged Palin, after capturing Mr. McGinnis on film gazing in the direction of her home.
Sarah hinted at foul play on her facebook page while friends, fans, and supporters lent a sympathetic ear.
Mr. McGinniss's publisher assured members of the press that his client would be respectful of Ms. Palin's privacy.
When asked, a handful of the locals labeled McGinniss's behavior "creepy",
In response to the "intrusion", Palin's husband opted to go his own way to resolve the problem.
Early this morning, neighbours were greeted with a fence along the edge of the property, which has essentially blocked McGinniss's ability to "peep" in the future.
One reporter, anxious to hear the author's side of things, strolled up and knocked on the writer's door.
Although McGinniss was inclined to come to the door, he threatened in no uncertain terms that if the employess of the TV station didn't get off the property, he'd sick the local police on them.
The book is titled - "The Year of Living Dangerously - " which I find ironic since it appears to be starting out that way.
Isn't there an ordinance that restricts the height of fences in residential areas in Alaska?
News at 11!
Author McGinniss got eye on Sarah Palin!
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