Lip Service!
I needed to take a whiz.
I roared into a Shell station and dashed into the men's room to seek relief.
Suddenly, I was confronted with a “head” the likes of which I’ve never encountered in my decades-long life.
Before me stood the oddest toilet fixture with a plaque on is face which read:
The Fountain Urinal
In some respects, it was not unlike a stone fireplace in a country home.
Framing the top and sides of a wide “mouth” (about 5 feet wide and 6 feet high) rustic stones adorned the face.
And - at the bottom lip (?) - the urinal was edged in fancy brickwork in a decorative old-western-style.
The age-old tradition of the man-of-the-house taking a healthy crap on the “throne” in the privacy of his Castle had nothing on this baby.
There sure was a lot of p**ing room for those who with lousy aim and a tendency to slop over onto the rim of a normal toilet seat.
Just betcha kids have a field day in this “John“.
The mischievous ones probably engage in peeing contests, to see who can send their golden yellow streams the farthest (and widest), when their parents are looking the other way.
Who knows!
Needless to say - the "Fountain Urinal" - gets a highly-coveted Golden Urinal Award for a myriad of obvious novel reasons!
George Michael "Tea Room" fan!
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