You've got to scrape that sh** off your shoes!
(Rolling Stones)
When Arizona signed into law its controversial Immigrantion Reform Bill, illegal immigrant supporters were up-in-arms - and swore up-and-down - that they would fight the controversial measure on the grounds that it was not only unconstitutional but might lead to racial profiling.
Surprisingly, one of the most vocal opponents, turned out to be President Barack Obama.
The Commander-in-Chief - with a murky birthright himself - proceeded to hog the podium and grandstand on the media airwaves across the Nation - vowing to curb the legislation on the grounds that it was not only intruding on the stomping grounds of the Federal Government - but intrinsically - was not what "America" was all about.
A gentler kindler nation?
Me thinks, the man doth protesteth too much!
If the truth be known, Barack Obama wasn’t necessarily angered - first and foremost - by the Immigration Reform Bill on its face in its bold-faced efforts to curb illegal immigration.
If ‘ya ask me, Obama was miffed because Arizona jumped the gun, and beat him to the punch.
I have suspicions that Obama has been toying with the idea of introducing the National I.D. card since he first took office.
If you recall, because the whole “concept” smacks of an Orwellian-style (1984) police state, there has been a lot of resistance to implementation.
Like any other proposal, Barack Obama was silently orchestrating things in the background - getting all his chicks in a row, so-to-speak - when the Arizona Reform bill was signed into law.
Suddenly, Barack Obama - though, not entirely ready to pitch it - was forced to reveal his plans for the controversial uniform National Identity card.
Some have cried out in protest that a police officer asking a resident for their "papers” amounted to an echo from the past which dredged up horrific images of the terrors of Nazi Germany in World War II.
The National I.D. card is a much more ominous sign of the injustices to come if we’re to take a nod from a Biblical perspective.
In my estimation, the National I.D. card smacks of the mark of the beast.
Say what?
The Anti-Christ, of course!
In the scriptures, the Book of Revelations sets forth a host of prophecies, which leave little doubt that Obama’s scheme for America (and eventually the globe) would be much more oppressive (and - ultimately - end the concept of freedom as we know it today).
Revelations 13:16 - 13:18
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads."
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)."
So, which is worse?
A Nazi-style request for papers or the mark of the beast?
I'd prefer to show my papers, thank you very much!
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