Ok, so I goofed!
Well, a couple of supporters of the Arizona Boycott suffered a little instant Karma last night on National TV.
And, in the process, established in the eyes of many - that the Council member (politician Janice Hahn in Los Angeles) and the Mayor (once likeable, but now shifty-eyed, Villaraigrosa) of the same third-world City - don't have a smidgen of grey cells between 'em.
For example, after Hahn and the Mayor smugly threw in their two cents worth on the controversial Immigration law - and went on record supporting the boycott of Arizona - their jaws dropped when the TV host pointed out an obvious fact (which they were too stupid to figure out for themselves before they jumped into the political fray and made fools of themselves at the taxpayers' expense).
"Forty percent of the Arizona population is Latino. And, these individuals primarily work in the Hotel & Restaurant service industry. Your boycott is going to hurt the people you're trying to allegedly protect."
By the look on Villaraigrosa's face, it was ovious he was unaware of that fact - or just neglected to take stock of all sides of the controverial issue (and the ramifications of any particular action) - before jumping on the bandwagon.
Hahn sat there like a pimple on a pig's ass.
The other Mayors in sanctuary cities also backing the boycott should have known better - too - or at least been sensitive to the potential pitfalls and dangers involved with such lunatic action.
One for Arizona!
Bridge to nowhere!
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