If so, you may never know, because the list is classified.
The top-secret list of who's who in the shadowy world of terrorism is growing, too.
The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) evaluates up to 1200 new pieces of data daily that are related to current records on file (which includes file additions, corrections, modifications, deletions, and so forth and so on).
In addition, there is a mountain of information on spanking new entries submitted from Law Enforcement personnel around the Nation.
Although government officials won't specify the grounds for inclusion on the list, the powers-that-be underscore, a standard is applied.
"There must be reasonable suspicion," one gate-keeper noted for the record.
By the way, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
If any U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or student suspects they are on the list - and likewise anxious to establish that fact - there individual make seek recourse.
People listed without provocation may submit a request through the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program website to enlighten them about their status..
Obviously, Americans are paranoid.
A TSC spokesperson noted that the vast majority of Americans who inquire usually aren't on the watch list.
But, after they launch a request, you can bet your sweet bipp they will be.
Just joking!
Touchy counsel at the Civil Liberties Union accuse the agency (TSC) of placing too many people under close scrutiny on flimsy grounds.
Critics also argue that the watch list puts the focus elsewhere and diverts manpower away from potential threats that are real and dangerous.
In response, the TSC doesn't mince words, when elucidating their thoughts on the terrorist terrain here and abroad.
"It helps combat terrorism, period."
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