Ellen to nurture twenty-something contestants!
Tomorrow, amidst a lot of hoopla, American Idol will kick off the new season with auditions in Boston.
Posh Girl - Victoria Beckham - is slated to slip into the spotlight as a guest Judge until perky TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres takes the helm on February 9th for the rest of the reality-show season.
If you recall, Paula Abdul played a bit of Russian Roulette with the producers last contract negotiation talks, and ended up pulling the trigger to find the gun loaded.
Now, the show will get more bang for its buck with the installment of DeGeneres as regular adjudicator on the still-popular (but slightly long-in-the-tooth) Fox entertainment bill-of-fare.
Producers have promised to get back to the nitty-gritty (and the true essence of the show) by going back to its roots from whence it originally once sprang into the hearts of Americans across the country.
A TV analyst was inclined to speculate, however, that the future of American Idol is iffy.
"Idol will remain the top-rated show this year. After that, it's a guessing game," predicted Sharon Ann Brill.
While the show's producers are behind the judging panel 100% - in the final analysis - they stress that what mostly counts are the "Kids" who are the contestants on the show.
In fact, focus groups querying TV viewers have noted - that for the audiences - it's all about the emotons involved.
Armchair critics at home pine for someone to root for, after all!
Although there have been rumors that Simon Cowell will exit in the near future, he'll continue to take pot-shots (no doubt) and rustle up some controversy as usual (a ratings-booster technique) now and then.
It will be interesting to see how Ellen and Simon mix on the high-profile ego-dominated Idol.
Beck's better half to Judge Idol kids!
Ubiquitous DJ Seacrest hanger-on!
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