Some days I feel as if I am walking a tightrope between reality and illusion.
The sense that I am being guided, forewarned, and prepared for enlightenment is triggered by the fact I am constantly experiencing moments of synchronicity and receiving messages from a still small voice inside.
Just maybe, I'm able to operate on autopilot, where Angels dare not tread.
If you recall, a weeks ago I was instructed not to go onto the freeway at the hour designated on my initial travel plans, and may have avoided being involved in a traffic fatality on the highway as a result.
On occasion, my senses go on alert for a second or two, when a slight sound triggers my self-protective mode (and registers the unknown event for some inexplicable reason at the time).
Later, when I discover that my key or wallet have gone missing, the sound playbacks in my mind.
Ah, that was the moment the item fell out of my pocket, I surmise.
When I re-trace my footsteps - lo & behold - I spy the item tucked away behind a chair or beneath a flowing curtain out-of-sight.
I always keep track of these moments of heightened awareness because it is of the utmost importance to do so.
The phenomenon extends in all areas of my day-to-day existence, by the way.
For instance, when I originally checked into my Hotel, the number of the suite I was booked into was comprised of three digits.
Later in the week, I was scanning the calendar for information, when I decided to stay at the Hotel for an additional week.
Because a room with a better rate was available, I made arrangements to move to the other suite (which turned out to be room number twenty).
My senses got all-keyed up for a second (didn't know why at the time) as I tried to fathom the meaning of it.
For some reason, the number twenty caused a bell to go off in my head, but I was clueless as to why.
Later in the week, as I worked out the details of my future travel plans, I suddenly realized that my check-out date was now in sync with the room number.
I was departing Hotel room number twenty on January 20th.
In the year 2010!
But, the real shocker came when I was sitting at the computer, and the image of my mother's face flashed across my mind.
It hit me like a thunderbolt: her birthday was January 20th!
Eerie, in view of the fact, she passed to spirit over sixteen years ago.
Were my mother's loving thoughts with me?
Yes, I think so.
Why now?
Who knows!
When I get a thought about a person, a short while later an event connected with that individual, will unfold.
And, if I think to myself - I haven't heard from so and so in a long time - they'll call unexpectedly, send a letter, or drift into a conversation through a third party in the near future.
On many occasion, a voice tells me to pen a post on a particular celebrity or news event.
If I don't listen, and ignore the advice, I'll regret it.
The reason?
I like to beat the competition (LA TIMES, USA TODAY, TMZ) to the punch when it comes to a breaking-news stories.
If I don't follow through that moment, a few hours later - or the next morning - a story similar to my own in nature will appear in print or on TV the next day.
I have also had so many bizarre coicidences with the LA TIMES that it is mind-boggling.
Sometimes words I have used in a post - for example - literally end up as captions for one of their news features the following morning.
Time and time again, we have both published stories the same day that are strikingly similar!
On one occasion, I mentioned in a post that Nelson Skalbania purchased a painting of mine which featured a woman with her finger to her lips (which hinted at his affair with his secretary who he later married).
If you can believe it, one of the major department stores (such as Macys) ran an ad for a product featuring a blond woman with her fingers to her lips the next day.
It is as if we are have a psychic bond or something.
Then, there are profound moments when I casually toss in a phrase to add urgency to a post, which later becomes an important news item awash in all the media around the country in about two seconds flat.
For instance, after the quake hit Eureka (and the tensions subsided a little locally) I penned a post about my Northridge quake experience (1994) and wrote about the damage that was caused due to a lack of retro-fitting, what causes earthquakes, etc.
With that in my mind, I inserted a prediction in the caption.
"Big one, on the way."
Hours later, the quake hit in Haiti, and one news organization proceeded to label the temblor the "big one" on the Internet.
My imagination at work?
No, the events that unfolded were very real!
When startling events like this transpire in the manner aforementioned, they signal I'm in tune, on the right path, and where I am meant to be in the grand scheme of things.
Subsequently, at times I entertain the notion that I shouldn't worry about the future, then.
Just let God take the wheel!
In these troubling unpredictable times, it sure is comforting to know that I am a boy with something extra, perhaps.
But, misuse the gift, and there will be a swift fall from Grace.
In the final analysis?
Stay earthy and keep your feet on the ground; after all, the scriptures are emphatic about one thing.
The meek shall inherit the earth.
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