Gay hate strikes romantic climbs of San Francisco!
Just yesterday, the Federal court case regarding same-sex marriage winded down.
The Judge presiding over the case intends to review all the legal briefs, testimony, and documentary evidence in the next couple of weeks - prior to closing arguments - slated for March (2010) at the downtown Courthouse.
On the heels of this phase of the legal proceedings, a nasty posse of anti-gay protesters sparked up a lot of anger (and controversy) this morning, when they waved inflammatory signs and taunted passers-by (and motorists innocently driving by on Market Street).
One sign read: God hates America.
I scrambled off the streetcar I was riding on and dashed to the center meridian to capture the hateful demonstration on HD Video.
Gay Hate Protest
(captured on HD Video January 28th/2010/San Francisco)
Many tourists were shocked to witness the shameful conduct of this rag-tag group of gay-bashers.
"I can't believe this is happening in San Francisco," one Europeana traveller lamented.
In retrospect, it appears that Prop 8 supporters have rustled up a lot of hatred toward gays (in addition to the fears they are spreading about the potential dangers of gay marriage).
Charges, for example, that allowing same-sex marriage would lead to the sodomization of young boys (and a desire by some to marry their pets) are outrageous (for starters).
These individuals are supposed to actually be God's children?
Poster gal for same-sex marriage!
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